Blog Post

The PW50 Saga

I got my 3-1/2 yr. old son a Yamaha PW50 a while back. I haven't been pressing him to ride it a lot because it scares him a little and frankly it kind of scares me. I have a very big garage and driveway and we play chase a lot, him on his electric golf car and me on his PW50. Since I had been the only one riding it I took the governor out of the exhaust pipe.

Well this weekend my wife and I decided to take him out to our land where I have my track and let him ride. I should explain that with the governor in it really slows it down. We usually ride it on concrete and it will barely run uphill. So (and this is where it goes downhill) I thought I would leave the governor out and see how he did on dirt. Well my wife and I were standing with him I got it started and put him on it. I explained how to put on the brakes for the hundredth time. Unfortunately I had already changed into my riding boots so I couldn't run very well. He gives it a little gas and it moves a little. I guess that gave him a little confidence and he gives it a lot of gas. Well off he shoots headed straight for the trees. My wife is screaming running after him I am moving as fast as my boots will carry me yelling "hit the brakes!, hit the brakes!". Finally he stops before he hit anything. I think he was having fun. My wife got there first and yanked him off the bike looks at me and gasps uh uh OH No Oh NO NO NO!. Then starts balling, holding on to him like she will never let go. Like I said my son was having fun up until this point but Mama starts crying then Little Jeb sees Mama crying it scares him and he starts crying. Mama is looking at me like I am evil because I got him the thing in the first place. Without a word I resignedly pushed the PW50 back to the trailer and got his off road tricycle off the trailer.

I should also mention he had a helmet, MX boots etc. and the PW 50 has training wheels.

Daddy still has no riding buddy.


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