Ogden, UT
Edited Date/Time
3/13/2015 5:53pm
any of you guys tried these or different brands/types for energy while at the track? i'm mainly buying a bulk of these to help with my longer mountain-bike rides but feel like they could be really useful on offroad trail rides as well as at the track.
traditionally i've been the guy at the track that eats very light throughout the day and get gassed out, i've been getting better about properly fueling my body while riding, but these seem like a good alternative to say a Cliff bar or PowerBar.
any opinions or thoughts about them in your experience would be welcome
traditionally i've been the guy at the track that eats very light throughout the day and get gassed out, i've been getting better about properly fueling my body while riding, but these seem like a good alternative to say a Cliff bar or PowerBar.
any opinions or thoughts about them in your experience would be welcome
figure i gotta start somewhere, and i got 36 packs for $30
'energy' aka sugar at 5k the cost.
The Shop
Alessi was the only one I remember but there are several guys that use it right before the start.
It never really worked out for me in moto (on the roadbike it does though), I usually eat a honey bread and a banana before the race.
I'm terrible about working out then hitting the beer. I tell myself, "well, at least I worked for these". Then I double the calories I lost by drinking beer.
I have great results with this line of products......researched and natural.....not cheap but it works.
They also sell the gel packs you are looking for......for what it's worth Mike Alessi uses Hammer products.
thanks for the answers/responses. i'll try them out, can't be worse than what i'm doing right now.
@Iwreckalot, that's me to a T. i've been riding my road cycle from my house to work and back every day, about 20 miles round trip so not too bad. well, there's this killer local pizza-beer joint halfway and sometimes i'll stop on my way home for a slice and a pitcher lol. getting up the 400' hill to my house is a bitch after that little meal.
Eating a big spaghetti meal the nite before will cause your digestion to rob fluids from mussel to digest the carbs,bloat you.
Try to figure how many carbs you will need and get an hour or 2 ahead without going overboard.
They also make some that have caffeine which is nice to begin with or eat on the gate. Tropical punch = caffeine is the best IMO
Huckleberry hound is also good if you can't find a blueberry beagle.
Pit Row
Apples and Oranges have the highest NATURAL sugar content of all the common fruits. Good for your teeth at the same time. Win, Win!!!
Bowl of Oats/Porridge with Honey and a glass of Apple Juice in the morning for breakfast gets you off to a great start.
Horses love Oats and Apples. It's what gives them Horse Power.
Give a horse a bucket of oats and an apple and then take it for a ride. I dare ya. Like riding a CR500 with a sticky throttle.
They don't call them "Super Food's" for nothing!
Someone will always try to sell you something that's healthier, or tell you to eat real food, but if you're not going to be able to eat it, it won't do you any good.
FFS, they have fruit vending machines these days. Ask your local track to get one. Won't cost them a cent but they will make money from it.
BTW, the only time I eat fruit or oats is before riding. Any other time I'm eating Milky Bar. I'm about as far from a "health nut" as you can get.
I had "Twirls" for breaky this morning. I ain't no Flake!
I drink only water for the few days leading up to a ride as well, it flushes and hydrates the system. I hate the taste of water. I'm normally a "Cottee's Kid". But NOTHING hydrates the system better than water.
Pick your snack that you like and know it only last a short time. Eat often, stay on the water with every bite.
End of the day be smart: water! Eat clean! Your body is beat and recovery starts with what you drink and eat.
Simple facts. Hope this helps.
but eat real food when you can. i go the packaged route when on a long run or bike ride where there aren't options. you can eat real food at the track...
A bag of dried Apricots etc.
I don't mean to preach, just giving suggestions and alternative's.
#991's posts above are spot on. the gel's have a little denser calorie/gram ratio for packability, also easier to eat while running/biking with less mess. from a nutritional standpoint, use real food...
Can't get there quick enough!! Macca's after riding is VITAL .
I'm a Chef by trade. We mostly eat junk food
My first century ride on my road bike left me eating the after ride BBQ meal they provided around 4pm...then half a large pizza at 7pm and then the rest of the large pizza around 9pm!, after learning how to keep fueled during the ride I've never had that problem again.
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