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The 250s and 500s were sanctioned in 1971 and then the 125s in 1974. You have got to love MXA they have it all so I don't have to remember.
2 Kawi tells their reigning champ to defend title the next year
3 reigning champ tells Kawi no, says he has “new challenge"
4 Kawi, not happy, asks “what new challenge”?
5 reigning champ says GP’s
6 after some time Kawi agrees to help reigning AMA champ in GP's
7 reigning champ packs bags for the GP’s
8 reigning champ to retire after the US round of the GP’s
you can click here to read all about it from (I think Steve M.)http://racerxonline.com/2009/02/25/between-the-motos-brad-lackey
How did (Matthes) and I forget my teen idol, yes, besides Lackey, Marty Smith, the reigning AMA MX champ also went the very next year to compete in the entire GP series.
I guess it did not occur to me since Marty ALSO competed in the USA Nationals the same year.
Notice Marty's hair - all sun bleached from the warm SoCal sun, Riders back then had WAY MORE free time to hang out at the beach.
below photos from Laubuseschbach, German round, https://www.google.pl/maps/@50.3973415,8.3361766,3207m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl…
photos provided by: http://oscarapparel.blogspot.com/2010_10_01_archive.html
You see Marty, his future wife Nancy Sauer, and the Type II Honda
You see Marty standing next to guy holding sign with "DSSR". The entire sign reads "UDSSR" which is "USSR" in German. I wonder if Marty even knew those riders to his right were Ruskis - and that was 1976 - DEEP in the cold war era.
You see the 1976 Type II 125, http://www.mxworksbike.com/index.php/reference/restorations/21-restorat…
I think we have discovered only TWO so far that Steve missed.
By the way Steve - I understand you basically meant reigning MX champion when you made the comment and in my mind this means SX or MX, so yes, RV will be number three on that list.
Did I miss anyone else or were there only TWO before RV?
Pit Row
In 20 years, nobody will know what Villapoto, RC, or McGrath accomplished either. Good job.
If I was in RV's shoes.......I wouldn't give two shits about what some other guy , racing for some other team 30-40yrs ago did. I'd be focusing on how to get myself ready for round one of the GP's and come out swinging.
We all love the sport......just that some are better historians at it than others. People that bitch about it on here........did you really know ALL THE FACTS? Or did you have to look them up? People need to look in the mirror before they ask themselves that question. Why burn Steve at the stake?
IMO If someone from the media isn't sure about something on a live show, I think they should open it up for anyone that knows for sure to clarify it, instead of stating it as fact.
I had forgotten about Marty Smith, but being a Brad Lackey fan ever since he set out to be World Champion.... yes I knew that fact. Oh - And I'm not a fan of rider nicknames being re-used 20 years later either... but thats just me.
I'm still a Matthes fan... I love his show, and follow his twitter/instagram.
Hard for me to slam anyone for not remembering things that happened 20 , 30 or even 40yrs ago. I sure enjoy reading about it again though.
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