Another government to be overthrown soon?

Edited Date/Time 1/24/2012 1:29pm
Protesters number over 25,000 at the parliament building. Protesters chanting about freedom and democracy. Legislators have run away from their jobs prompting security forces to be sent to search for them. Will we soon see this government overthrown and a military takeover in Wisconsin?
Mountain Home, AR US
2/17/2011 2:04pm
Go Badgers!
Turney, MO US
2/17/2011 2:56pm
Job abandonment is grounds for termination. The Governor should hold immediate elections to replace them.
Falcon, CO US
2/17/2011 4:12pm
SteveS wrote:
Protesters number over 25,000 at the parliament building. Protesters chanting about freedom and democracy. Legislators have run away from their jobs prompting security forces to be...
Protesters number over 25,000 at the parliament building. Protesters chanting about freedom and democracy. Legislators have run away from their jobs prompting security forces to be sent to search for them. Will we soon see this government overthrown and a military takeover in Wisconsin?
(In laymen terms) Their (government people) are bitching mostly about having 3 percent taken out of the checks to cover medical expenses. WTF? I pay 13,700 a year out of my check per year. that is $6.85 an hour per 2000 hours worked a year because of a fucked up group plan and the Wisconsin government peeps can't take 3 percent? give me a break, these folks have been pampered tooo long and when it's time to take a cut they try to start a revolution? LMAO
Washington, DC US
2/17/2011 4:16pm
SteveS wrote:
Protesters number over 25,000 at the parliament building. Protesters chanting about freedom and democracy. Legislators have run away from their jobs prompting security forces to be...
Protesters number over 25,000 at the parliament building. Protesters chanting about freedom and democracy. Legislators have run away from their jobs prompting security forces to be sent to search for them. Will we soon see this government overthrown and a military takeover in Wisconsin?
(In laymen terms) Their (government people) are bitching mostly about having 3 percent taken out of the checks to cover medical expenses. WTF? I pay 13,700...
(In laymen terms) Their (government people) are bitching mostly about having 3 percent taken out of the checks to cover medical expenses. WTF? I pay 13,700 a year out of my check per year. that is $6.85 an hour per 2000 hours worked a year because of a fucked up group plan and the Wisconsin government peeps can't take 3 percent? give me a break, these folks have been pampered tooo long and when it's time to take a cut they try to start a revolution? LMAO
Just because some of us might not have the best job/employer doesn't mean we should wish the same fate on others who found a good job.

The Shop

Void Main
2/17/2011 4:24pm
We Illinoisans should round those illegal cheese head aliens up and deport them back to Wisconsin. Oh wait, I forgot this is the land of Obama. I'm sure they'll get safe harbor here. Smile
2/17/2011 5:08pm
The consequence of all that bailout money flooding into the system. So god bless Bush and Obama.
Edmonton CA
2/17/2011 5:43pm
This will repeat itself across the nation as the deep cuts required to bring your debt down are put into place. It's going to get ugly.
Falcon, CO US
2/17/2011 6:31pm
dcmx326 wrote:
Just because some of us might not have the best job/employer doesn't mean we should wish the same fate on others who found a good job.
If you're implying I have a good job then you are mistaken. I am a frickin bricklayer. locked into a demise that know one wants. Governmental influential bull shit
2/17/2011 6:39pm
Rooster wrote:
This will repeat itself across the nation as the deep cuts required to bring your debt down are put into place. It's going to get ugly.
Damn even a Canadian gets it. J/K The shit is going to hit the fan. Keep your eye on bankrupt California!
B DUB 333
New Richland, MN US
2/17/2011 7:00pm
Job abandonment is grounds for termination. The Governor should hold immediate elections to replace them.
x a trillion, they don't care if you are struggling, they only think of themselves! I also pay WAY more than that for insurance and don't feel one bit saddened by the state and federal jobs getting pay cuts and so forth, I say we take all of the retirement programs away from ALL government employees and let them use SS like the rest of us!!! They are supposed to work for us, not rob us every chance they get! I am so sick of the education system ripping us off too, why is it that a Catholic school can charge about half what the public school takes for each student and yet the Catholics do a much better job of teaching the students, its been proven time after time, yet they always say were hurting our children's future if we cut spending on education!!! How about they pull their heads out and use the money wisely instead of just running us into the ground with foolish spending and overpaid administrators!!! I'm done with my rant....BTW I am NOT advocating that we all become Catholics, I'm just using them as an example. So dont get after me with any " your a bible banger" bs
Washington, DC US
2/17/2011 7:12pm Edited Date/Time 2/17/2011 7:24pm
Job abandonment is grounds for termination. The Governor should hold immediate elections to replace them.
B DUB 333 wrote:
x a trillion, they don't care if you are struggling, they only think of themselves! I also pay WAY more than that for insurance and don't...
x a trillion, they don't care if you are struggling, they only think of themselves! I also pay WAY more than that for insurance and don't feel one bit saddened by the state and federal jobs getting pay cuts and so forth, I say we take all of the retirement programs away from ALL government employees and let them use SS like the rest of us!!! They are supposed to work for us, not rob us every chance they get! I am so sick of the education system ripping us off too, why is it that a Catholic school can charge about half what the public school takes for each student and yet the Catholics do a much better job of teaching the students, its been proven time after time, yet they always say were hurting our children's future if we cut spending on education!!! How about they pull their heads out and use the money wisely instead of just running us into the ground with foolish spending and overpaid administrators!!! I'm done with my rant....BTW I am NOT advocating that we all become Catholics, I'm just using them as an example. So dont get after me with any " your a bible banger" bs
Private schools do not do a better job of teaching our young. The private schools just don't have to deal with the millions and millions of low income kids from families that don't give a shit.

Private schools actually are run and taught quite shitty, especially when you realize they only get middle class and upper class students.

I hope you realize how pathetic is sounds for people to say, I made horrible choices in life that landed me a shitty job, so I want to place that burden on those who made better choices.

If you pay too much for insurance and don't make a good enough wage, that is your fault, not those who actually did right by themselves. Take responsibility for your poor decisions and stop trying to project your failure onto others.

Another thing, some of you seem to think the government has abnormal retirement and health benefits. Apparently you guys have shitty jobs. I have worked for a few private companies that make the federal and state employee retirement and benefit packages look like shit.

Take a look at Western & Southern Financial's retirement package. A pension, a 401k, free breakfast, lunch and dinner, free parking downtown, and the healthcare is $10 bi-weekly. Where I work now makes the government benefit packages look like shit. I worked at Deloitte which makes government packages look like shit. GE, P&G, J&J, JP Morgan, Unilever, Cap Gemini, Google, and many other private companies have better packages than the government.

If you don't have a good benefits package, change jobs, but don't be a bitch and demand others to come down to your level.
B DUB 333
New Richland, MN US
2/17/2011 7:25pm
Every stat that I have read or heard about, says different. Also, there are a couple of private schools by here that have the family pay what they can, so the poor, middle class, and rich attend. My wife and I both attended private schools and we can clearly see we were better educated than our public school counterparts. Its because the public system is getting robbed by the admin's in my opinion. They could use a good old fashioned pay cut at the principal level and up. And I will never agree that ANY state or federal worker should have their own retirement program, put everyone on ss and watch how fast they get that back on track. Its a shame but the government has been given an inch and stole a mile. Check this out, even if the public school has a horrible teacher they cannot fire them, that's a union out of control! Also, a private school that sucks.... goes out of business, because that is exactly what it is!!! a business!! if they don't do a good job, guess what, the parents can LEAVE!!!! I am not feeling well, I will argue more tomorrow. Have a good night boys.
Washington, DC US
2/17/2011 7:28pm Edited Date/Time 2/17/2011 7:30pm
B DUB 333 wrote:
Every stat that I have read or heard about, says different. Also, there are a couple of private schools by here that have the family pay...
Every stat that I have read or heard about, says different. Also, there are a couple of private schools by here that have the family pay what they can, so the poor, middle class, and rich attend. My wife and I both attended private schools and we can clearly see we were better educated than our public school counterparts. Its because the public system is getting robbed by the admin's in my opinion. They could use a good old fashioned pay cut at the principal level and up. And I will never agree that ANY state or federal worker should have their own retirement program, put everyone on ss and watch how fast they get that back on track. Its a shame but the government has been given an inch and stole a mile. Check this out, even if the public school has a horrible teacher they cannot fire them, that's a union out of control! Also, a private school that sucks.... goes out of business, because that is exactly what it is!!! a business!! if they don't do a good job, guess what, the parents can LEAVE!!!! I am not feeling well, I will argue more tomorrow. Have a good night boys.
Every company has their own retirement plan.

If you work at a private corp you have SS AND the company retirement plan. If you work for the government you are shackled because you have just ONE retirement plan.
Appleton, WI US
2/17/2011 7:33pm
Private schools do not have to take the kids with special needs. The rates are a lot more than 3%, more like 12.5%. Even though this is the case, I think most of the public employees are willing to increase their "share", the main sticking point in the bill is the elimination of the right to collectively bargin. Overall, something needs to be done but this is the wrong way to go about it. I'm not a union or public employee, but I can see their side to this.
Washington, DC US
2/17/2011 7:35pm
This just popped up on my facebook from a guy I went to school with, who is a police officer. Thought it might put some perspective on the subject.

"I am a public employee. I am not the problem. Our retirement fund lost billions in wall street speculations that went awry. I followed the rules. Your community's teachers, police officers, paramedics, firefighters, child welfare, street, highway workers & others are NOT the enemy. We live here, pay taxes, work hard & are trying to support our families, too. If you are a public employee and agree, copy and repost"
2/17/2011 7:54pm
dcmx326 wrote:
This just popped up on my facebook from a guy I went to school with, who is a police officer. Thought it might put some perspective...
This just popped up on my facebook from a guy I went to school with, who is a police officer. Thought it might put some perspective on the subject.

"I am a public employee. I am not the problem. Our retirement fund lost billions in wall street speculations that went awry. I followed the rules. Your community's teachers, police officers, paramedics, firefighters, child welfare, street, highway workers & others are NOT the enemy. We live here, pay taxes, work hard & are trying to support our families, too. If you are a public employee and agree, copy and repost"
How did you put it - he should put his money in a fund that don't lose money next time?? LMAO.
Minneapolis, MN US
2/17/2011 8:08pm
dcmx326 wrote:
This just popped up on my facebook from a guy I went to school with, who is a police officer. Thought it might put some perspective...
This just popped up on my facebook from a guy I went to school with, who is a police officer. Thought it might put some perspective on the subject.

"I am a public employee. I am not the problem. Our retirement fund lost billions in wall street speculations that went awry. I followed the rules. Your community's teachers, police officers, paramedics, firefighters, child welfare, street, highway workers & others are NOT the enemy. We live here, pay taxes, work hard & are trying to support our families, too. If you are a public employee and agree, copy and repost"
How did you put it - he should put his money in a fund that don't lose money next time?? LMAO.
no shit... welcome to reality....

our piece of shit sheriff is suing the county because he figures he should have received more than a 3% raise... he wants an additional $15,000. So the county has to decide A: fight him and spend more than what he is asking for. B: Give in. He knows this and thinks he some kind of hero....

dcmx,. you are out of touch....
Washington, DC US
2/17/2011 8:20pm Edited Date/Time 2/17/2011 8:32pm
dcmx326 wrote:
This just popped up on my facebook from a guy I went to school with, who is a police officer. Thought it might put some perspective...
This just popped up on my facebook from a guy I went to school with, who is a police officer. Thought it might put some perspective on the subject.

"I am a public employee. I am not the problem. Our retirement fund lost billions in wall street speculations that went awry. I followed the rules. Your community's teachers, police officers, paramedics, firefighters, child welfare, street, highway workers & others are NOT the enemy. We live here, pay taxes, work hard & are trying to support our families, too. If you are a public employee and agree, copy and repost"
How did you put it - he should put his money in a fund that don't lose money next time?? LMAO.
No, that is not how I put it. His fund was not a 401k solely managed by him. It was a retirement fund managed by others, sort of like a pension.

But what you want to do, is to make his life even worse, even though he lost just as much as the average non-governmental employee. How pathetic is that?

Some of you sound like socialist. Want to take from those that are making a living to spread the wealth to others.
Washington, DC US
2/17/2011 8:23pm Edited Date/Time 2/17/2011 8:25pm
dcmx326 wrote:
This just popped up on my facebook from a guy I went to school with, who is a police officer. Thought it might put some perspective...
This just popped up on my facebook from a guy I went to school with, who is a police officer. Thought it might put some perspective on the subject.

"I am a public employee. I am not the problem. Our retirement fund lost billions in wall street speculations that went awry. I followed the rules. Your community's teachers, police officers, paramedics, firefighters, child welfare, street, highway workers & others are NOT the enemy. We live here, pay taxes, work hard & are trying to support our families, too. If you are a public employee and agree, copy and repost"
How did you put it - he should put his money in a fund that don't lose money next time?? LMAO.
no shit... welcome to reality.... our piece of shit sheriff is suing the county because he figures he should have received more than a 3% raise...
no shit... welcome to reality....

our piece of shit sheriff is suing the county because he figures he should have received more than a 3% raise... he wants an additional $15,000. So the county has to decide A: fight him and spend more than what he is asking for. B: Give in. He knows this and thinks he some kind of hero....

dcmx,. you are out of touch....
Out of touch with what?

I work in the private sector because public employees have horrible pay and horrible benefits as to what I have received at every job I have worked. I have to qualify my statement by saying I have white collar jobs, it could be different for manual labor jobs.

What does the average police officer make? That's right, shit money. Is their job less though than yours? I think not.

No matter how you portray it, you guys are acting like little crybabies who are jealous and want to make others share in the misery brought on by your poor life choices.
Void Main
2/17/2011 8:30pm
We kicked their asses back to Wisconsinada:

State Senate Democrats Leave Illinois After Avoiding Vote
Senators Spent Day In Rockford, Later Left For Undisclosed Location
POSTED: 9:00 pm CST February 17, 2011
UPDATED: 10:09 pm CST February 17, 2011

ROCKFORD, Ill. -- The Clock Tower resort sits about 65 miles from the state Capitol building in Madison. And despite being in Rockford, Ill., that was where some Senate Democrats decided to do business on Thursday. They said it was by design to avoid a vote on Gov. Scott Walker's controversial budget repair bill.

"When you have a call of the house you can be taken back by local authorites. In Rockford, we knew that wouldn't happen," said Sen. Mark Miller.

Some of the 14 Senate Democrats said they chose to leave the state because it would give lawmakers and residents a chance to discuss the bill.

"We feel that by delaying the vote a while, the people of the state will have more opportunity to talk about this. They can discuss it among themselves and decide if what the governor has proposed is a good idea or not," said Sen. Jim Holperin.

The senators said they thought the bill contained many provisions that had nothing to do with repairing the budget. They also said delaying the vote would give residents more of a chance to have their voices heard.

"The real plan is to see if the governor is willing to have a real dialogue with Democrats because the people are in Madison right now. Over 30,000 of them basically saying, 'Governor give us our economic rights back,' I want them to be heard.," said Sen. Spencer Coggs.

The senators involved also took issue with the bill's attempt to take away collective bargaining rights from state workers.

"Wisconsin is the epicenter now of worker's rights. We intend to make sure workers get their rights," said Coggs.

According to the Associated Press, Walker said he had faith the Senate Democrats would return in a day or two and said he would not concede on his plan to end most collective bargaining rights.
Minneapolis, MN US
2/17/2011 8:36pm
How did you put it - he should put his money in a fund that don't lose money next time?? LMAO.
no shit... welcome to reality.... our piece of shit sheriff is suing the county because he figures he should have received more than a 3% raise...
no shit... welcome to reality....

our piece of shit sheriff is suing the county because he figures he should have received more than a 3% raise... he wants an additional $15,000. So the county has to decide A: fight him and spend more than what he is asking for. B: Give in. He knows this and thinks he some kind of hero....

dcmx,. you are out of touch....
dcmx326 wrote:
Out of touch with what? I work in the private sector because public employees have horrible pay and horrible benefits as to what I have received...
Out of touch with what?

I work in the private sector because public employees have horrible pay and horrible benefits as to what I have received at every job I have worked. I have to qualify my statement by saying I have white collar jobs, it could be different for manual labor jobs.

What does the average police officer make? That's right, shit money. Is their job less though than yours? I think not.

No matter how you portray it, you guys are acting like little crybabies who are jealous and want to make others share in the misery brought on by your poor life choices.
he currently makes $110,000., around here that is not "shit money" So why does he deserve a 10% raise?

No, we just don't have the ability to "make up laws" that benefit us at the tax payers expense...
Long Beach, CA US
2/18/2011 7:01am
To quote another topic title on this forum : It's going to be swell.
South Kingston, RI US
2/18/2011 7:34am
Private schools do not do a better job of teaching our young. The private schools just don't have to deal with the millions and millions of low income kids from families that don't give a shit.

Private schools actually are run and taught quite shitty, especially when you realize they only get middle class and upper class students.

Not all private schools are "catholic" or whatever schools and I am lower-middle class at best.

My son goes to a private school and has been offered a much more challenging curriculum, a wider range of subjects as well as music and language classes that are no longer taught in public schools.

There are full-time counselors that do nothing but help plan the students academic life both in secondary school and after in college as well as helping with the myriad of financial aid options to pay for it.

Every teacher at his school holds a masters degree or better.

The rate of college graduates from my sons school is 45% higher than kids going to public school.
Washington, DC US
2/18/2011 7:40am
jndmx wrote:
[b]Private schools do not do a better job of teaching our young. The private schools just don't have to deal with the millions and millions of...
Private schools do not do a better job of teaching our young. The private schools just don't have to deal with the millions and millions of low income kids from families that don't give a shit.

Private schools actually are run and taught quite shitty, especially when you realize they only get middle class and upper class students.

Not all private schools are "catholic" or whatever schools and I am lower-middle class at best.

My son goes to a private school and has been offered a much more challenging curriculum, a wider range of subjects as well as music and language classes that are no longer taught in public schools.

There are full-time counselors that do nothing but help plan the students academic life both in secondary school and after in college as well as helping with the myriad of financial aid options to pay for it.

Every teacher at his school holds a masters degree or better.

The rate of college graduates from my sons school is 45% higher than kids going to public school.
You can't compare all public schools to private schools. you have to take comparable public schools and compare them to private schools.

Like I said before, public schools have to deal with the worst elements of society, private schools do not. So, if you compare public schools in the nice neighborhoods with private schools, the public schools will come out on top.

You also have to realize, like I have said before, the reason the college graduation rate is higher for private school kids compared to public schools in general is due to the type of families that send their kid to private school. Private schools don't have the millions of horrible parents and their unfortunate kids to deal with, but the public schools do.

You can always find exceptions but in general this is the case. I work in higher education and see the data everyday.
Washington, DC US
2/18/2011 7:44am Edited Date/Time 2/18/2011 7:59am
no shit... welcome to reality.... our piece of shit sheriff is suing the county because he figures he should have received more than a 3% raise...
no shit... welcome to reality....

our piece of shit sheriff is suing the county because he figures he should have received more than a 3% raise... he wants an additional $15,000. So the county has to decide A: fight him and spend more than what he is asking for. B: Give in. He knows this and thinks he some kind of hero....

dcmx,. you are out of touch....
dcmx326 wrote:
Out of touch with what? I work in the private sector because public employees have horrible pay and horrible benefits as to what I have received...
Out of touch with what?

I work in the private sector because public employees have horrible pay and horrible benefits as to what I have received at every job I have worked. I have to qualify my statement by saying I have white collar jobs, it could be different for manual labor jobs.

What does the average police officer make? That's right, shit money. Is their job less though than yours? I think not.

No matter how you portray it, you guys are acting like little crybabies who are jealous and want to make others share in the misery brought on by your poor life choices.
he currently makes $110,000., around here that is not "shit money" So why does he deserve a 10% raise? No, we just don't have the ability...
he currently makes $110,000., around here that is not "shit money" So why does he deserve a 10% raise?

No, we just don't have the ability to "make up laws" that benefit us at the tax payers expense...
That $110,000 could be shit money if compared to comparable private sector jobs. How many people does he manage? What size budget does he manage?

I have no idea to the answers of those questions but for example:

Lets say he manages 30 people and his budget is $30 million. In the corporate world, he would be earning well over $110k per year.

The National Association of Colleges and Employers says the following about Security Manager jobs at private corps:

For Minneapolis, Minnesota

Median salary, which includes new hires: $99,740

High Salary for experienced managers: $163,720
South Kingston, RI US
2/18/2011 7:52am
dcmx326 wrote:
You can't compare all public schools to private schools. you have to take comparable public schools and compare them to private schools. Like I said before...
You can't compare all public schools to private schools. you have to take comparable public schools and compare them to private schools.

Like I said before, public schools have to deal with the worst elements of society, private schools do not. So, if you compare public schools in the nice neighborhoods with private schools, the public schools will come out on top.

You also have to realize, like I have said before, the reason the college graduation rate is higher for private school kids compared to public schools in general is due to the type of families that send their kid to private school. Private schools don't have the millions of horrible parents and their unfortunate kids to deal with, but the public schools do.

You can always find exceptions but in general this is the case. I work in higher education and see the data everyday.
I can agree with most of what you are saying it was the generalization that I disagreed with.
I am definitely notwhere close to rich by any means but you are right most of my sons classmates come from wealthy families.

Public schools are saddled with a lot more than just horrible parents.
The regulations and funding requirements are also an albatross.

I live in an area of CT that is pretty well off for the most part.
My son started at public school and there was no lack of quality teachers but the curiculum is dictated by funding.

Here in CT we have a standardized test they all have to take to retain funding levels.
My son scored in the 98th percentile each time yet he had to sit in a class for 45 minutes 3 times a week "learning" how to take the test......
Can you say wasted resources?
In my opinion that is at least half the problem with public schools.....they are teaching to a test so they can retain their monies.

Oh and clearly my son gets his intelligence from his mothers
Washington, DC US
2/18/2011 7:56am
dcmx326 wrote:
You can't compare all public schools to private schools. you have to take comparable public schools and compare them to private schools. Like I said before...
You can't compare all public schools to private schools. you have to take comparable public schools and compare them to private schools.

Like I said before, public schools have to deal with the worst elements of society, private schools do not. So, if you compare public schools in the nice neighborhoods with private schools, the public schools will come out on top.

You also have to realize, like I have said before, the reason the college graduation rate is higher for private school kids compared to public schools in general is due to the type of families that send their kid to private school. Private schools don't have the millions of horrible parents and their unfortunate kids to deal with, but the public schools do.

You can always find exceptions but in general this is the case. I work in higher education and see the data everyday.
jndmx wrote:
I can agree with most of what you are saying it was the generalization that I disagreed with. I am definitely notwhere close to rich by...
I can agree with most of what you are saying it was the generalization that I disagreed with.
I am definitely notwhere close to rich by any means but you are right most of my sons classmates come from wealthy families.

Public schools are saddled with a lot more than just horrible parents.
The regulations and funding requirements are also an albatross.

I live in an area of CT that is pretty well off for the most part.
My son started at public school and there was no lack of quality teachers but the curiculum is dictated by funding.

Here in CT we have a standardized test they all have to take to retain funding levels.
My son scored in the 98th percentile each time yet he had to sit in a class for 45 minutes 3 times a week "learning" how to take the test......
Can you say wasted resources?
In my opinion that is at least half the problem with public schools.....they are teaching to a test so they can retain their monies.

Oh and clearly my son gets his intelligence from his mothers
That is an issue. In many states schools are rated by how well their students score on standardized tests. So, what ends up happening is, those schools spend too much time teaching kids to take that specific test.
2/18/2011 7:57am
Unless dcmx is just pulling everybody's chain, I think this thread neatly illustrates the problem we have today.

The government employee pension funds tanked just like the private ones did. But because they are pension funds, the government is forced to pay out the benefits even though the money is no longer there. That's where a huge part of the deficit comes from. Just like it was happening to a private corporation, GM.

The unions have the corporations and the government backed into a corner. They won't let them do anything to rectify the situation. GM got bailed out by the taxpayer and went bankrupt and reorganized to get out from under it.

The state governments aren't exactly in a position to just go bankrupt, and the people who are out in the real world haven't got anything to bail them out with.

Yet the liberal viewpoint is that there is this limitless supply of money "out there" and everyone in the unions "deserves" not to have to pay for their benefits. That you just need to tax everyone more and it will be all better. That or just rack up a higher deficit.

The issue in Wisconsin is that of a union totally unwilling to accommodate the bad economy and the reality of the situation--they never do, except the UAW working with Ford over the last 15 years. In order to close the deficit, which is primarily due to government benefit/insurance/pension/salary, they propose that the government employees no long receive health insurance without participating in paying the premiums, no longer receive the pension without contributing to the plan (other than through paying taxes, which non-government employees are also doing).

The other issue is the one of reducing the power of the unions--which unfortunately is a required part of making changes like this, since the unions steadfastly have refused to work on the issue and compromise.

The cash cow of a growing economy is gone, sold down the street to the Chinese and others outside our borders in the name of "globalism" and "immigration". Now we have to pay the piper.
2/18/2011 9:53am
SteveS wrote:
Unless dcmx is just pulling everybody's chain, I think this thread neatly illustrates the problem we have today. The government employee pension funds tanked just like...
Unless dcmx is just pulling everybody's chain, I think this thread neatly illustrates the problem we have today.

The government employee pension funds tanked just like the private ones did. But because they are pension funds, the government is forced to pay out the benefits even though the money is no longer there. That's where a huge part of the deficit comes from. Just like it was happening to a private corporation, GM.

The unions have the corporations and the government backed into a corner. They won't let them do anything to rectify the situation. GM got bailed out by the taxpayer and went bankrupt and reorganized to get out from under it.

The state governments aren't exactly in a position to just go bankrupt, and the people who are out in the real world haven't got anything to bail them out with.

Yet the liberal viewpoint is that there is this limitless supply of money "out there" and everyone in the unions "deserves" not to have to pay for their benefits. That you just need to tax everyone more and it will be all better. That or just rack up a higher deficit.

The issue in Wisconsin is that of a union totally unwilling to accommodate the bad economy and the reality of the situation--they never do, except the UAW working with Ford over the last 15 years. In order to close the deficit, which is primarily due to government benefit/insurance/pension/salary, they propose that the government employees no long receive health insurance without participating in paying the premiums, no longer receive the pension without contributing to the plan (other than through paying taxes, which non-government employees are also doing).

The other issue is the one of reducing the power of the unions--which unfortunately is a required part of making changes like this, since the unions steadfastly have refused to work on the issue and compromise.

The cash cow of a growing economy is gone, sold down the street to the Chinese and others outside our borders in the name of "globalism" and "immigration". Now we have to pay the piper.
Very well said.

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