Usain Bolt using illegal PED's?

Edited Date/Time 8/14/2012 1:44pm
This is a incredible article. Very short, but some alarming statements in it if you can read between the lines.…

Very bold. It takes balls to write that article.

And too be honest, we should be suspicious. Bolt is making $9 million a year from Puma and he is jogging to the finish line. Maybe he's even jogging and not doing his best time possible so that he doesnt draw too much attention to himself.

The ironic thing is... American athletes have been caught cheating a hell of a lot more than countries like China and/or Jamaica so we are the last ones that should be throwing stones in a glass house.

But the fact that his trainer worked at BALCO and his teammates have both tested possible tells us we should take the blinders off.

(DISCLAIMER: Im not anit-PEDs and Im not necessarily calling Usain a "cheater")

8/14/2012 6:06am
reded wrote:
Your links suck.
It's really weird, I copy and paste them, and they get edited when I hit the submit button.

Then I go to edit the post, and the link goes back to normal.

I dont know what Im doing wrong. But I think I fixed it.
Greensboro, NC US
8/14/2012 6:54am
This is a incredible article. Very short, but some alarming statements in it if you can read between the lines. Very bold. It takes balls...
This is a incredible article. Very short, but some alarming statements in it if you can read between the lines.…

Very bold. It takes balls to write that article.

And too be honest, we should be suspicious. Bolt is making $9 million a year from Puma and he is jogging to the finish line. Maybe he's even jogging and not doing his best time possible so that he doesnt draw too much attention to himself.

The ironic thing is... American athletes have been caught cheating a hell of a lot more than countries like China and/or Jamaica so we are the last ones that should be throwing stones in a glass house.

But the fact that his trainer worked at BALCO and his teammates have both tested possible tells us we should take the blinders off.

(DISCLAIMER: Im not anit-PEDs and Im not necessarily calling Usain a "cheater")

Any chance that you will same the same thing about Lance Armstrong? If Bolt were 5 foot nothing and as fast as he is I could understand the questions, but he's 6'5", slim, and athletic. I'm not surprised that he is as fast as he is and Carl Lewis is just bitter. That's just MHO.

8/14/2012 7:10am
P wrote:
Any chance that you will same the same thing about Lance Armstrong? If Bolt were 5 foot nothing and as fast as he is I could...
Any chance that you will same the same thing about Lance Armstrong? If Bolt were 5 foot nothing and as fast as he is I could understand the questions, but he's 6'5", slim, and athletic. I'm not surprised that he is as fast as he is and Carl Lewis is just bitter. That's just MHO.

C'mon P. Too predictable on your part. This isnt a race thing for me.

Of course Lance Armstrong was using. And again, I dont call Lance a "cheater" either. But the reason why it is alarming is that Usain and his teammates are shattering times.... Shattering their own personal best times, without even finishing the race.

Personally, I like Usain Bolt. He's a great showman for the sport. Fun to watch. Unique in his style and athletic body type. It's amazing what he's able to do, and chances are, he's beating people whom are using PED's so I have no real issues with what he's done. Responsible PED use is not as detrimental to ones health as we are all led to believe. The very nature of the training that goes into TdFrance or Olympic type competition is far more dangerous and unhealthy than any PED use.

Hell, just take a look at Michael Phelps diet. In order to train at the level he does, he needs to consume around 8-10,000 calories a day. Their is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY POSSIBLE to do that while eating a healthy diet. So he has to do it unnaturally with junk food. That is every bit a PED as any steroid and just as unhealthy if not more unhealthy.

I dont judge these guys either way. Im actually just amazed at what their competitive spirit will push them to do.

The Shop

Golden, CO US
8/14/2012 7:50am
P wrote:
Any chance that you will same the same thing about Lance Armstrong? If Bolt were 5 foot nothing and as fast as he is I could...
Any chance that you will same the same thing about Lance Armstrong? If Bolt were 5 foot nothing and as fast as he is I could understand the questions, but he's 6'5", slim, and athletic. I'm not surprised that he is as fast as he is and Carl Lewis is just bitter. That's just MHO.

Did you even read the article, P? People within the industry, and not competitors themselves, are saying these guys are juicing. You really think there's no viability to these claims? Please.
Greensboro, NC US
8/14/2012 8:06am
P wrote:
Any chance that you will same the same thing about Lance Armstrong? If Bolt were 5 foot nothing and as fast as he is I could...
Any chance that you will same the same thing about Lance Armstrong? If Bolt were 5 foot nothing and as fast as he is I could understand the questions, but he's 6'5", slim, and athletic. I'm not surprised that he is as fast as he is and Carl Lewis is just bitter. That's just MHO.

jtomasik wrote:
Did you even read the article, P? People within the industry, and not competitors themselves, are saying these guys are juicing. You really think there's no...
Did you even read the article, P? People within the industry, and not competitors themselves, are saying these guys are juicing. You really think there's no viability to these claims? Please.
Yes, I read the article and the "people within the industry" didn't have any proof other than "what they think."

Lilke I said before I'm not the least bit surprised that a guy that is 6'5" and very athletic is doing what he is doing.

Golden, CO US
8/14/2012 8:16am Edited Date/Time 8/14/2012 8:19am
P wrote:
Yes, I read the article and the "people within the industry" didn't have any proof other than "what they think." Lilke I said before I'm not...
Yes, I read the article and the "people within the industry" didn't have any proof other than "what they think."

Lilke I said before I'm not the least bit surprised that a guy that is 6'5" and very athletic is doing what he is doing.

Yeah, I'd rather accept your insight into the industry. My bad. No PEDs here...nothing to see....move along....
Thru-out, CA US
8/14/2012 8:35am
Did someone actually imply that Bolt jogs across the finish so as to NOT bring too much attention on himself?


That's jus' funny!
Essex GB
8/14/2012 8:43am Edited Date/Time 8/14/2012 8:45am
Breaking a world record at an ahteltics grand prix is worth a lot of money. So what pays best? Smashing the record to pieces just the once or taking 10 little nibbles out of it . There's logic to his behaviour.

As to him doping, I'd like to think not. Certainly his body doesn't look pumped up like doping sprinters often do.
8/14/2012 9:28am
P wrote:
Yes, I read the article and the "people within the industry" didn't have any proof other than "what they think." Lilke I said before I'm not...
Yes, I read the article and the "people within the industry" didn't have any proof other than "what they think."

Lilke I said before I'm not the least bit surprised that a guy that is 6'5" and very athletic is doing what he is doing.

Yeah, because being 6'5'' is the prototypical size to be when you are a 100m sprinter. (insert heavy sarcasm).

His body type should be working against him at that short of a distance.
8/14/2012 9:31am
PaleBlue wrote:
Breaking a world record at an ahteltics grand prix is worth a lot of money. So what pays best? Smashing the record to pieces just the...
Breaking a world record at an ahteltics grand prix is worth a lot of money. So what pays best? Smashing the record to pieces just the once or taking 10 little nibbles out of it . There's logic to his behaviour.

As to him doping, I'd like to think not. Certainly his body doesn't look pumped up like doping sprinters often do.
The guys in the moto industry that are using dont look pumped up either. You can take illegal PEDs for any body type/sport and they will create a different looking athlete for that particular sport.
8/14/2012 9:36am
P wrote:
Yes, I read the article and the "people within the industry" didn't have any proof other than "what they think." Lilke I said before I'm not...
Yes, I read the article and the "people within the industry" didn't have any proof other than "what they think."

Lilke I said before I'm not the least bit surprised that a guy that is 6'5" and very athletic is doing what he is doing.

Yeah, because being 6'5'' is the prototypical size to be when you are a 100m sprinter. (insert heavy sarcasm). His body type should be working against...
Yeah, because being 6'5'' is the prototypical size to be when you are a 100m sprinter. (insert heavy sarcasm).

His body type should be working against him at that short of a distance.
They did a science deal on him and it takes him less steps than his competitors to cross the line. I wouldn't say that's working against him.
8/14/2012 9:37am
TeamGreen wrote:
Did someone actually imply that Bolt jogs across the finish so as to NOT bring too much attention on himself?


That's jus' funny!
It's plausible.

But PBs theory is more likely. As is the simple fact that Usain is a great showman and he's probably just going for dramatic effect.

But you cant help but wonder. He's was capable in Bejing of running in the 9.4's

I dont know how any rational person cant look at all the people involved (his teammates and trainers) and not be suspicious. He hires that trainer, he knocks 3 tenths off his time the following year, and his teammates get busted in the same period. That article is written for you if any of you cant see the signals showing.

There is way too much money on the line for people to not be pushing the limits. And I wouldnt be surprised if the IOC is taking pay offs. Bolt is the biggest draw the Olympics have had in a long time. They only stand to lose by tarnishing his name. If Luongo will cover up for Cairoli and our athletes that come over for the MXdn, why wouldnt the IOC do the same for their golden goose?
Golden, CO US
8/14/2012 9:40am
P wrote:
Yes, I read the article and the "people within the industry" didn't have any proof other than "what they think." Lilke I said before I'm not...
Yes, I read the article and the "people within the industry" didn't have any proof other than "what they think."

Lilke I said before I'm not the least bit surprised that a guy that is 6'5" and very athletic is doing what he is doing.

Yeah, because being 6'5'' is the prototypical size to be when you are a 100m sprinter. (insert heavy sarcasm). His body type should be working against...
Yeah, because being 6'5'' is the prototypical size to be when you are a 100m sprinter. (insert heavy sarcasm).

His body type should be working against him at that short of a distance.
Skip376 wrote:
They did a science deal on him and it takes him less steps than his competitors to cross the line. I wouldn't say that's working against...
They did a science deal on him and it takes him less steps than his competitors to cross the line. I wouldn't say that's working against him.
Did they also calculate moments of inertia caused by his bigger body, and include that into the mix? I'm not saying the guy's body isn't optimal for the racing he's doing...but number of steps alone doesn't mean much. There are a lot of other factors that play into accelerating an animal.
8/14/2012 9:40am Edited Date/Time 8/14/2012 9:55am
Skip376 wrote:
They did a science deal on him and it takes him less steps than his competitors to cross the line. I wouldn't say that's working against...
They did a science deal on him and it takes him less steps than his competitors to cross the line. I wouldn't say that's working against him.
The 100m dash is all about acceleration. He may take less steps but they should be less effective due to his long stride.

For a 100 years the sport has been refined and every athlete competing falls into a specific perfect body type for their competition. The science behind the 100m dash was long ago figured out. We know what the perfect body type for that event is and it is not 6'5". His body type is much more suited for the 400m.

They dont even reach top speed by 100m. They are still accelerating til about the 150m mark. Thats what my track coach always told me.
Dallas, TX US
8/14/2012 9:54am
This is a incredible article. Very short, but some alarming statements in it if you can read between the lines. Very bold. It takes balls...
This is a incredible article. Very short, but some alarming statements in it if you can read between the lines.…

Very bold. It takes balls to write that article.

And too be honest, we should be suspicious. Bolt is making $9 million a year from Puma and he is jogging to the finish line. Maybe he's even jogging and not doing his best time possible so that he doesnt draw too much attention to himself.

The ironic thing is... American athletes have been caught cheating a hell of a lot more than countries like China and/or Jamaica so we are the last ones that should be throwing stones in a glass house.

But the fact that his trainer worked at BALCO and his teammates have both tested possible tells us we should take the blinders off.

(DISCLAIMER: Im not anit-PEDs and Im not necessarily calling Usain a "cheater")

That didn't take balls. All that took was a willingness to repeat and expand on conjecture and to assume guilt based on possibility, not hard evidence......

Bolt may very well be using, but this guy doesn't add a single shred of evidence or even provide a solid argument to begin to prove it.
8/14/2012 10:04am
"doesnt provide a solid argument"

Really? Everyone around Bolt has been involved with PEDs (including his competition) and the only defense someone has made here is that he takes less steps than the other guys due to his height. Talk about lack of a convincing argument.

Nobody has said they have proof. But to say a good argument hasnt been made is not true.

This is similar to when Jose Canseco blew the lid on baseball. Everyone took shots at him personally but never cared to actually listen to the things he was saying. The guy to this day has never been caught in a lie. I remember listening to his first interview on the Dan Patrick show when he talked about his book and Patrick totally talked shit on Jose. Then Jose came on another radio show some years later and said more names would come out, including Alex Rodriguez. He got laughed off that show as well and we see how that played out.
8/14/2012 10:12am Edited Date/Time 8/14/2012 10:21am
Yeah, because being 6'5'' is the prototypical size to be when you are a 100m sprinter. (insert heavy sarcasm). His body type should be working against...
Yeah, because being 6'5'' is the prototypical size to be when you are a 100m sprinter. (insert heavy sarcasm).

His body type should be working against him at that short of a distance.
Skip376 wrote:
They did a science deal on him and it takes him less steps than his competitors to cross the line. I wouldn't say that's working against...
They did a science deal on him and it takes him less steps than his competitors to cross the line. I wouldn't say that's working against him.
jtomasik wrote:
Did they also calculate moments of inertia caused by his bigger body, and include that into the mix? I'm not saying the guy's body isn't optimal...
Did they also calculate moments of inertia caused by his bigger body, and include that into the mix? I'm not saying the guy's body isn't optimal for the racing he's doing...but number of steps alone doesn't mean much. There are a lot of other factors that play into accelerating an animal.
They did a whole bunch of crap that proved his body type was basically a better body type. They talked about how his body moves more mass than other runners and moves it faster.

They discussed more than just number of steps but he averaged something like 4 less steps per race than his average competitor and for some reason that's what stuck in my mind.
8/14/2012 10:15am Edited Date/Time 8/14/2012 10:17am
Skip376 wrote:
They did a science deal on him and it takes him less steps than his competitors to cross the line. I wouldn't say that's working against...
They did a science deal on him and it takes him less steps than his competitors to cross the line. I wouldn't say that's working against him.
The 100m dash is all about acceleration. He may take less steps but they should be less effective due to his long stride. For a 100...
The 100m dash is all about acceleration. He may take less steps but they should be less effective due to his long stride.

For a 100 years the sport has been refined and every athlete competing falls into a specific perfect body type for their competition. The science behind the 100m dash was long ago figured out. We know what the perfect body type for that event is and it is not 6'5". His body type is much more suited for the 400m.

They dont even reach top speed by 100m. They are still accelerating til about the 150m mark. Thats what my track coach always told me.
And we're to believe your high school track coach on what the perfect height is for a runner and when they get to top speed? Give me a break.
Greensboro, NC US
8/14/2012 10:21am
P wrote:
Yes, I read the article and the "people within the industry" didn't have any proof other than "what they think." Lilke I said before I'm not...
Yes, I read the article and the "people within the industry" didn't have any proof other than "what they think."

Lilke I said before I'm not the least bit surprised that a guy that is 6'5" and very athletic is doing what he is doing.

Yeah, because being 6'5'' is the prototypical size to be when you are a 100m sprinter. (insert heavy sarcasm). His body type should be working against...
Yeah, because being 6'5'' is the prototypical size to be when you are a 100m sprinter. (insert heavy sarcasm).

His body type should be working against him at that short of a distance.
Actually it's shouldn't because he has an athletic build. If he were 260 lbs. it would be a different story. I ran track and I saw plenty of tall guys keep up simply because they were tall. Long legs and long strides. Had they actually been athletic they would have been further ahead.

Also, have you EVER run 100 meters??? That shit isn't that short when you are running it.

8/14/2012 10:22am Edited Date/Time 8/14/2012 10:23am
P wrote:
Yes, I read the article and the "people within the industry" didn't have any proof other than "what they think." Lilke I said before I'm not...
Yes, I read the article and the "people within the industry" didn't have any proof other than "what they think."

Lilke I said before I'm not the least bit surprised that a guy that is 6'5" and very athletic is doing what he is doing.

Yeah, because being 6'5'' is the prototypical size to be when you are a 100m sprinter. (insert heavy sarcasm). His body type should be working against...
Yeah, because being 6'5'' is the prototypical size to be when you are a 100m sprinter. (insert heavy sarcasm).

His body type should be working against him at that short of a distance.
P wrote:
Actually it's shouldn't because he has an athletic build. If he were 260 lbs. it would be a different story. I ran track and I saw...
Actually it's shouldn't because he has an athletic build. If he were 260 lbs. it would be a different story. I ran track and I saw plenty of tall guys keep up simply because they were tall. Long legs and long strides. Had they actually been athletic they would have been further ahead.

Also, have you EVER run 100 meters??? That shit isn't that short when you are running it.

No it's not, and when I was running it I wished I had the legs of a 6'5 man. That was years ago.
8/14/2012 10:27am Edited Date/Time 8/14/2012 10:27am
Skip376 wrote:
They did a science deal on him and it takes him less steps than his competitors to cross the line. I wouldn't say that's working against...
They did a science deal on him and it takes him less steps than his competitors to cross the line. I wouldn't say that's working against him.
The 100m dash is all about acceleration. He may take less steps but they should be less effective due to his long stride. For a 100...
The 100m dash is all about acceleration. He may take less steps but they should be less effective due to his long stride.

For a 100 years the sport has been refined and every athlete competing falls into a specific perfect body type for their competition. The science behind the 100m dash was long ago figured out. We know what the perfect body type for that event is and it is not 6'5". His body type is much more suited for the 400m.

They dont even reach top speed by 100m. They are still accelerating til about the 150m mark. Thats what my track coach always told me.
Skip376 wrote:
And we're to believe your high school track coach on what the perfect height is for a runner and when they get to top speed? Give...
And we're to believe your high school track coach on what the perfect height is for a runner and when they get to top speed? Give me a break.
High school? Where did you get that from?

My coach had a long career in the NFL and currently prepares college athletes for the combine. He's worked with Olympians and world champions over.

Nice try though.
8/14/2012 10:29am Edited Date/Time 8/14/2012 10:31am
The 100m dash is all about acceleration. He may take less steps but they should be less effective due to his long stride. For a 100...
The 100m dash is all about acceleration. He may take less steps but they should be less effective due to his long stride.

For a 100 years the sport has been refined and every athlete competing falls into a specific perfect body type for their competition. The science behind the 100m dash was long ago figured out. We know what the perfect body type for that event is and it is not 6'5". His body type is much more suited for the 400m.

They dont even reach top speed by 100m. They are still accelerating til about the 150m mark. Thats what my track coach always told me.
Skip376 wrote:
And we're to believe your high school track coach on what the perfect height is for a runner and when they get to top speed? Give...
And we're to believe your high school track coach on what the perfect height is for a runner and when they get to top speed? Give me a break.
High school? Where did you get that from? My coach had a long career in the NFL and currently prepares college athletes for the combine. He's...
High school? Where did you get that from?

My coach had a long career in the NFL and currently prepares college athletes for the combine. He's worked with Olympians and world champions over.

Nice try though.
Whats his name and where did you run track?

Your name would be nice as well so we can look up your collegiate record or whatever you claimed to run in.
Greensboro, NC US
8/14/2012 10:31am
Skip376 wrote:
They did a science deal on him and it takes him less steps than his competitors to cross the line. I wouldn't say that's working against...
They did a science deal on him and it takes him less steps than his competitors to cross the line. I wouldn't say that's working against him.
The 100m dash is all about acceleration. He may take less steps but they should be less effective due to his long stride. For a 100...
The 100m dash is all about acceleration. He may take less steps but they should be less effective due to his long stride.

For a 100 years the sport has been refined and every athlete competing falls into a specific perfect body type for their competition. The science behind the 100m dash was long ago figured out. We know what the perfect body type for that event is and it is not 6'5". His body type is much more suited for the 400m.

They dont even reach top speed by 100m. They are still accelerating til about the 150m mark. Thats what my track coach always told me.
Apparently you didn't notice that he actually has muscle on his body, unlike the "perfect" 800 meter runner that you mentioned. Also, that muscle makes his steps more affective as the race goes along. He's not getting the same push the first few steps out of the blocks as he is in full stride, that's why he pulls away from the field at the end of the race. His long stride coupled with being athletic is an advantage at that point.

8/14/2012 10:32am
P wrote:
Actually it's shouldn't because he has an athletic build. If he were 260 lbs. it would be a different story. I ran track and I saw...
Actually it's shouldn't because he has an athletic build. If he were 260 lbs. it would be a different story. I ran track and I saw plenty of tall guys keep up simply because they were tall. Long legs and long strides. Had they actually been athletic they would have been further ahead.

Also, have you EVER run 100 meters??? That shit isn't that short when you are running it.

Yes Ive ran the 100m.

I trained for the 400, the 200, did a lot of 150s, the 100, and the 40 yd dash.

The 100 is a sprint. Short legs are a benefit. Like I said earlier, its all acceleration. A guy of Usain's height shouldnt be able to hit full stride til after 100m.
8/14/2012 10:34am
Skip376 wrote:
And we're to believe your high school track coach on what the perfect height is for a runner and when they get to top speed? Give...
And we're to believe your high school track coach on what the perfect height is for a runner and when they get to top speed? Give me a break.
High school? Where did you get that from? My coach had a long career in the NFL and currently prepares college athletes for the combine. He's...
High school? Where did you get that from?

My coach had a long career in the NFL and currently prepares college athletes for the combine. He's worked with Olympians and world champions over.

Nice try though.
Skip376 wrote:
Whats his name and where did you run track? Your name would be nice as well so we can look up your collegiate record or whatever...
Whats his name and where did you run track?

Your name would be nice as well so we can look up your collegiate record or whatever you claimed to run in.
Youre going to believe whatever you want to believe no matter who I am.

My resume is a fart in the wind compared to Carl Lewis' yet he isnt credible enough for you.
8/14/2012 10:34am
I'm waiting for a name so we can see this mans credentials. He acts like he knows everything but something tells me he's more like the class clown.
8/14/2012 10:35am
High school? Where did you get that from? My coach had a long career in the NFL and currently prepares college athletes for the combine. He's...
High school? Where did you get that from?

My coach had a long career in the NFL and currently prepares college athletes for the combine. He's worked with Olympians and world champions over.

Nice try though.
Skip376 wrote:
Whats his name and where did you run track? Your name would be nice as well so we can look up your collegiate record or whatever...
Whats his name and where did you run track?

Your name would be nice as well so we can look up your collegiate record or whatever you claimed to run in.
Youre going to believe whatever you want to believe no matter who I am. My resume is a fart in the wind compared to Carl Lewis'...
Youre going to believe whatever you want to believe no matter who I am.

My resume is a fart in the wind compared to Carl Lewis' yet he isnt credible enough for you.
Kind of what I figured. A liar.
Dallas, TX US
8/14/2012 10:36am
[i][b]"doesnt provide a solid argument"[/b][/i] Really? Everyone around Bolt has been involved with PEDs (including his competition) and the only defense someone has made here is...
"doesnt provide a solid argument"

Really? Everyone around Bolt has been involved with PEDs (including his competition) and the only defense someone has made here is that he takes less steps than the other guys due to his height. Talk about lack of a convincing argument.

Nobody has said they have proof. But to say a good argument hasnt been made is not true.

This is similar to when Jose Canseco blew the lid on baseball. Everyone took shots at him personally but never cared to actually listen to the things he was saying. The guy to this day has never been caught in a lie. I remember listening to his first interview on the Dan Patrick show when he talked about his book and Patrick totally talked shit on Jose. Then Jose came on another radio show some years later and said more names would come out, including Alex Rodriguez. He got laughed off that show as well and we see how that played out.
Jose Canseco talked about people he knew about using. He didn't say that anyone excelling was guilty by association. That's what this writer is doing, and it isn't a solid argument.

As for the steps thing, at least it is something factual and measurable. Taking 6 steps less than your competition doesn't sound like much, but when you look at it as that being nearly 13% less steps taken than his average competitor, it has to be considered. I hadn't thought much about it til it was brought up here....
Greensboro, NC US
8/14/2012 10:38am
The 100m dash is all about acceleration. He may take less steps but they should be less effective due to his long stride. For a 100...
The 100m dash is all about acceleration. He may take less steps but they should be less effective due to his long stride.

For a 100 years the sport has been refined and every athlete competing falls into a specific perfect body type for their competition. The science behind the 100m dash was long ago figured out. We know what the perfect body type for that event is and it is not 6'5". His body type is much more suited for the 400m.

They dont even reach top speed by 100m. They are still accelerating til about the 150m mark. Thats what my track coach always told me.
Skip376 wrote:
And we're to believe your high school track coach on what the perfect height is for a runner and when they get to top speed? Give...
And we're to believe your high school track coach on what the perfect height is for a runner and when they get to top speed? Give me a break.
High school? Where did you get that from? My coach had a long career in the NFL and currently prepares college athletes for the combine. He's...
High school? Where did you get that from?

My coach had a long career in the NFL and currently prepares college athletes for the combine. He's worked with Olympians and world champions over.

Nice try though.
The good old combine. That's where they have "perfect" measurements for athletes and how they should perform on test to determine who will make the best players on the field. Probably works as much as it doesn't work. They would be better off just looking at game film of players and talking to their coaches. Same with Track. It's about how you perform on the track not what the "perfect" build of the runner is.


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