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Here's a photo of them waiting for the start of the mini's at Miami-Hollywood back in 73'.
(Boots #36 on an SL-70, my brother #3X on a mini-enduro) Notice lucky kid on left of Boots riding one of the first XR-75's in the neighborhood.
The Shop
My uncle Furman Gray's old scrap book. 1976 with Suz and 1979 with Maico.
I was almost 5 at this time. So though I remember Furman racing and being at the tracks, I was way too young to know a lot of what was going on. I remember always hearing of Hannah, Smith, Lacky, Mossier, Tony D, Weiner and a few others. JoJo don't ring any bells. I'll try and look him up. Of corse I know about Mark Barnett, lol. Others mentioned the girl in the pic as a trophy girl. Looks like she had race pants on to me? Any ideas? Thanks again...
Pit Row
County wheels pitchers 1984 of Michael Jablonski.
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