The Truth Stark is Hiding

Mid-state, ME US
5/16/2024 5:32am
Silas444 wrote:
....... And so, what do you think is happening over at Ducati and Triumph (or any of the other OEMs for that matter) when they see...

....... And so, what do you think is happening over at Ducati and Triumph (or any of the other OEMs for that matter) when they see the fast-growing number of glowing reviews of Stark Varg actual owners? Not the actual haters, the actual owners? Moreover, do you think they haven't noticed that their actual owners tend to have enviable financial means? 

You can possibly believe those companies are that goddam dumb, can you?

There's a very simple reason why the Varg is alone out there in the E-moto marketplace right now: it is such an amazing bike it's proving hard to develop one that's better. Surely, even you know that's why Honda hasn't released theirs, right? Over time, though, competitors will come into the market, and as they do, the crowd of buyers will inevitably thicken. You and the other four mad-hatted luddites on here can fantasize about the failure of E-bikes all you want, it won't change the fact that it's a fantasy.

They're coming. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.


By your logic, Stark-Varg should be afraid, VERY afraid.  Those OEMs are just sitting there learning, and will without doubt, build a superior machine if/when they...

By your logic, Stark-Varg should be afraid, VERY afraid.  Those OEMs are just sitting there learning, and will without doubt, build a superior machine if/when they wish.  All of this, assuming ACTUAL customer demand ends up being more than what it was for Alta.  At the moment, everyone thinks they are cool and fun - no doubt, but that does not mean everyone is rushing out to buy one.  A snapshot of the current electric car sales just might be an indicator that the few that want them, buy them, but the majority do not and manufacturers are learning fast enough to see we are not flipping a switch here like many tried to portray, and are realizing bad business decisions were made.  They (OEMs) are going to let Alta have some fun, and if the gates are even 1/4 full of Stark bikes at amateur races, it will no doubt be a sign, at which point, the OEMs will crush Stark with a better and more affordable machine.  When that time comes, I will buy one too.

I am not anti-electric, it has done marvels for RC racing (largely due to battery tech), I even believe in the rock crawling world, electric could be HUGE in that scenario.  BUT, I am also a patient realist.

Your points are well taken, but like so many other self-described "realists" I've met, you seem much more like a pessimist who just doesn't like the label.

Regardless, I'll counter. You say that once the other OEMs offer an E-moto bike, they'll "crush" Stark. Well then, by your logic, there should be no Beta, no Royal Enfield, no TM, no Gas Gas, No KTM, no Husqvarna, no Vespa, no Ducati, no Triumph, etcetera, etcetera.

Not everyone wants to ride the most "popular" bikes available. Some people are oddball eccentrics and they make oddball eccentric choices that "realists" might find confounding but make perfect sense to me - an oddball eccentric. I can count the number of times I've shopped at Wal-Mart and Costco and/or ordered something from Amazon on one hand - and have two fingers left over. I'd rather pay more at local businesses than shop at those places. 

I haven't got a crystal ball, so Stark's future is unknown to me, but my guess is they're clever enough to know how to survive - and perhaps even thrive - simply because they know what they're up against and they actually like the David-versus-Goliath challenge they find themselves in.

But I must admit, I've never been a "realist" when it comes to these matters.


Corryton, TN US
5/16/2024 6:07am Edited Date/Time 5/16/2024 6:07am
Silas444 wrote:
....... And so, what do you think is happening over at Ducati and Triumph (or any of the other OEMs for that matter) when they see...

....... And so, what do you think is happening over at Ducati and Triumph (or any of the other OEMs for that matter) when they see the fast-growing number of glowing reviews of Stark Varg actual owners? Not the actual haters, the actual owners? Moreover, do you think they haven't noticed that their actual owners tend to have enviable financial means? 

You can possibly believe those companies are that goddam dumb, can you?

There's a very simple reason why the Varg is alone out there in the E-moto marketplace right now: it is such an amazing bike it's proving hard to develop one that's better. Surely, even you know that's why Honda hasn't released theirs, right? Over time, though, competitors will come into the market, and as they do, the crowd of buyers will inevitably thicken. You and the other four mad-hatted luddites on here can fantasize about the failure of E-bikes all you want, it won't change the fact that it's a fantasy.

They're coming. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.


By your logic, Stark-Varg should be afraid, VERY afraid.  Those OEMs are just sitting there learning, and will without doubt, build a superior machine if/when they...

By your logic, Stark-Varg should be afraid, VERY afraid.  Those OEMs are just sitting there learning, and will without doubt, build a superior machine if/when they wish.  All of this, assuming ACTUAL customer demand ends up being more than what it was for Alta.  At the moment, everyone thinks they are cool and fun - no doubt, but that does not mean everyone is rushing out to buy one.  A snapshot of the current electric car sales just might be an indicator that the few that want them, buy them, but the majority do not and manufacturers are learning fast enough to see we are not flipping a switch here like many tried to portray, and are realizing bad business decisions were made.  They (OEMs) are going to let Alta have some fun, and if the gates are even 1/4 full of Stark bikes at amateur races, it will no doubt be a sign, at which point, the OEMs will crush Stark with a better and more affordable machine.  When that time comes, I will buy one too.

I am not anti-electric, it has done marvels for RC racing (largely due to battery tech), I even believe in the rock crawling world, electric could be HUGE in that scenario.  BUT, I am also a patient realist.

Silas444 wrote:
Your points are well taken, but like so many other self-described "realists" I've met, you seem much more like a pessimist who just doesn't like the...

Your points are well taken, but like so many other self-described "realists" I've met, you seem much more like a pessimist who just doesn't like the label.

Regardless, I'll counter. You say that once the other OEMs offer an E-moto bike, they'll "crush" Stark. Well then, by your logic, there should be no Beta, no Royal Enfield, no TM, no Gas Gas, No KTM, no Husqvarna, no Vespa, no Ducati, no Triumph, etcetera, etcetera.

Not everyone wants to ride the most "popular" bikes available. Some people are oddball eccentrics and they make oddball eccentric choices that "realists" might find confounding but make perfect sense to me - an oddball eccentric. I can count the number of times I've shopped at Wal-Mart and Costco and/or ordered something from Amazon on one hand - and have two fingers left over. I'd rather pay more at local businesses than shop at those places. 

I haven't got a crystal ball, so Stark's future is unknown to me, but my guess is they're clever enough to know how to survive - and perhaps even thrive - simply because they know what they're up against and they actually like the David-versus-Goliath challenge they find themselves in.

But I must admit, I've never been a "realist" when it comes to these matters.


Hey now, don't call me a pessimist just because I don't agree with you Wink
We are probably more alike than you realize, I like to do things to a different tune too.  Heck, I am even a 50 year old that races 125s when I am in the 2-stroke mood.  And I will admit, I am not a fan of Stark because of their marketing strategies and assumptions they have made with unreal expectations which almost all responsibility falls on them.  I just think the "Mighty Blow" is in the works with the big 5 in this arena, and to your point, we will see where Stark lands when the big OEMs level-set the playing field.  It sure appears they (the OEMs) have Stark basically parked until they are ready, it will at least be fun to see how it all plays out.  The bigger question, which OEM will be the first to build a production bike to take on the challenge?  At the moment, I can't tell if it will be Honda or Yamaha, or watch Suzuki blindside everyone and be first to market (which would not surprise me considering the electrified direction the company is headed).  

Fun times, and I am glad at least at this point, the driver for building an electric bike is for something fun and different, and not some other BS government mandate or choice/freedom lost - we have had enough of that for a lifetime.

Toulouse FR
5/16/2024 6:25am Edited Date/Time 5/16/2024 6:25am

Whether you agree with him or not, I think Tony Alessi makes some interesting points, especially about young riders.



5/16/2024 7:01am Edited Date/Time 5/16/2024 7:04am
early wrote:
So are these supplemental rules only for Loretta lynn qualifiers and the championship race? Is a Stark Varg legal to race in the specified classes at...

So are these supplemental rules only for Loretta lynn qualifiers and the championship race? Is a Stark Varg legal to race in the specified classes at an AMA sanctioned race if the event promoter petitions the AMA for supplemental race rules allowing them? There's been alot of mixed messages from its legal down to you can't even ride it at a practice day at an AMA affiliated track.

These rules are only for Lorettas.  Remember, the AMA has the rulebook.  Anything outside that rulebook has to be submitted to the ama and approved as supplemental rules.  We have approved several in off road and several as stand alone MX classes.  At this time we are not approving mixing of E and Ice bikes on an MX track due to competitive balance issues and safety concerns.  This is not forever, we have a working group on e-bikes that includes representation from all of the OEMs and Stark to create technical specifications for the 2025 rulebook that will be inclusive for all electric motorcycles.

It is important to note that the AMA has made no rules prohibiting the Stark or any other electric bike from competing.  Our current rules do not allow for it and people are asking for us to make exceptions to our current rules to allow for it.  A supplemental rule is an exception to the rulebook.  Some are approved, some are not.  For example, if someone proposed a supplemental rule that allowed 10 year olds to race 450s, we would not approve it.

Our current rules limit E motorcycles to 60 volts.  It is antiquated and thats why we have the working group, to get the technical specs up to date.  If I'm not mistaken, the Stark is around 370 volts so even if we said e bikes can race in all classes they dont meet the current technical specs.  Again, we should have them updated for 25.

Neither I nor the AMA is anti E bike.  We clearly are aware of the technology that is coming.  We just have to be smart about it.  We cant create rules that allow for a new technology, find that it turns out not to be fair, and then change the rules after people have made buying decisions and manufacturers have made production decisions.  That is, in a nutshell, how we ended up where we are.

a quote from my son after riding a Stark for a day:  " Probably the most fun I have ever had on a motorcycle!



The Shop

5/16/2024 7:08am
Fog 25 wrote:
SlowOldGuy, are you the one that put out the supplement rules of no E Bikes? Started being a member of the AMA in 1969 as of...

SlowOldGuy, are you the one that put out the supplement rules of no E Bikes? Started being a member of the AMA in 1969 as of this year, they’ll never receive another dollar from me. 

SlowOldGuy wrote:
You guys are a little bit confused as to what supplemental rules are. The AMA does not put out supplemental rules. Promoters ask for approval for...

You guys are a little bit confused as to what supplemental rules are. The AMA does not put out supplemental rules. Promoters ask for approval for supplemental rules for their races for things that are not in the AMA rulebook.  

Fog 25 wrote:
Yeah I can see why I’m confused when I look at the supplemental rules 2024 AMA Rules book. 

Yeah I can see why I’m confused when I look at the supplemental rules 2024 AMA Rules book. 

These are for the Loretta Lynn's program (qualifiers and the national) only. 

5/16/2024 7:26am
SlowOldGuy wrote:
These rules are only for Lorettas.  Remember, the AMA has the rulebook.  Anything outside that rulebook has to be submitted to the ama and approved as...

These rules are only for Lorettas.  Remember, the AMA has the rulebook.  Anything outside that rulebook has to be submitted to the ama and approved as supplemental rules.  We have approved several in off road and several as stand alone MX classes.  At this time we are not approving mixing of E and Ice bikes on an MX track due to competitive balance issues and safety concerns.  This is not forever, we have a working group on e-bikes that includes representation from all of the OEMs and Stark to create technical specifications for the 2025 rulebook that will be inclusive for all electric motorcycles.

It is important to note that the AMA has made no rules prohibiting the Stark or any other electric bike from competing.  Our current rules do not allow for it and people are asking for us to make exceptions to our current rules to allow for it.  A supplemental rule is an exception to the rulebook.  Some are approved, some are not.  For example, if someone proposed a supplemental rule that allowed 10 year olds to race 450s, we would not approve it.

Our current rules limit E motorcycles to 60 volts.  It is antiquated and thats why we have the working group, to get the technical specs up to date.  If I'm not mistaken, the Stark is around 370 volts so even if we said e bikes can race in all classes they dont meet the current technical specs.  Again, we should have them updated for 25.

Neither I nor the AMA is anti E bike.  We clearly are aware of the technology that is coming.  We just have to be smart about it.  We cant create rules that allow for a new technology, find that it turns out not to be fair, and then change the rules after people have made buying decisions and manufacturers have made production decisions.  That is, in a nutshell, how we ended up where we are.

a quote from my son after riding a Stark for a day:  " Probably the most fun I have ever had on a motorcycle!


Cool insight. Basically trying not to have the 4 stroke situation occur again like in the late 90’s-00’s. 

So Cal, CA US
5/16/2024 7:29am
JM485 wrote:
Have you been living under a rock for the last 6 months?  None of that is groundbreaking or unknown, in fact it's been discussed at length...

Have you been living under a rock for the last 6 months?  None of that is groundbreaking or unknown, in fact it's been discussed at length in multiple threads at this point.  If you're really dying to get your bike you can pick it up from another state (I believe Arizona and Oregon are able to receive bikes but don't quote me on that), the dealer protection laws in most states are complete bullshit but at the end of the day they clearly didn't do their research adequately and now they're in a bit of a tough spot for bike deliveries, but luckily you can still grab it from a surrounding state.  I would press the dealer very hard about the doc fees though, there's no registration necessary for this bike and they should be just handing the crate over to you, so any fee they're adding on is BS.

Hey Josh, wanted to ask you because I know you'd be the one to know. How are things going for taking that off-road here in CA? I know there were some issues with that "Honda" CRF-E2 not getting a sticker so it couldn't be taken anywhere other than private property. Any issues with your Stark or are the not requiring anything at all for it? 

Yellow Pine, ID US
5/16/2024 8:56am
"if the gates are even 1/4 full of Stark bikes at amateur races, it will no doubt be a sign" Not going to happen, the AMA...

"if the gates are even 1/4 full of Stark bikes at amateur races, it will no doubt be a sign"

Not going to happen, the AMA will not let them compete at amateur races.

I don't have a way of know for sure but I think there is more Amateur racing going on that has absolutely nothing to do with the AMA than tracks that are AMA sanctioned.

Starks have been racing all Spring at the 3 tracks closest to me.

Davis, CA US
5/16/2024 9:01am
mattyhamz2 wrote:
Hey Josh, wanted to ask you because I know you'd be the one to know. How are things going for taking that off-road here in CA...

Hey Josh, wanted to ask you because I know you'd be the one to know. How are things going for taking that off-road here in CA? I know there were some issues with that "Honda" CRF-E2 not getting a sticker so it couldn't be taken anywhere other than private property. Any issues with your Stark or are the not requiring anything at all for it? 

It's honestly a little bit of a crap-shoot, I've ridden mine in national forest land quite a bit and haven't had any issues, but I also haven't run into any rangers either.  From what I can tell it's a little bit of a case by case basis because they know you can't get a registration sticker for them, so a lot are inclined to just look the other way and leave it be since it's electric, but I'm sure in other areas you could run into a Paul Blart with a stick up his ass that would give you a hard time.  It's really a mess and the state of CA needs to get their shit figured out (not likely I know), because right now we have an EV company that can't sell their bikes, and a bunch of EVs that have been sold to customers that technically can't be registered because their system doesn't know what to do with them.  For a state that claims to want EV adoption they don't do much to incentivize it beyond virtue signal with speeches and absurdly unrealistic adoption timelines.    

Thru-out, CA US
5/16/2024 9:06am
mattyhamz2 wrote:
Hey Josh, wanted to ask you because I know you'd be the one to know. How are things going for taking that off-road here in CA...

Hey Josh, wanted to ask you because I know you'd be the one to know. How are things going for taking that off-road here in CA? I know there were some issues with that "Honda" CRF-E2 not getting a sticker so it couldn't be taken anywhere other than private property. Any issues with your Stark or are the not requiring anything at all for it? 

JM485 wrote:
It's honestly a little bit of a crap-shoot, I've ridden mine in national forest land quite a bit and haven't had any issues, but I also...

It's honestly a little bit of a crap-shoot, I've ridden mine in national forest land quite a bit and haven't had any issues, but I also haven't run into any rangers either.  From what I can tell it's a little bit of a case by case basis because they know you can't get a registration sticker for them, so a lot are inclined to just look the other way and leave it be since it's electric, but I'm sure in other areas you could run into a Paul Blart with a stick up his ass that would give you a hard time.  It's really a mess and the state of CA needs to get their shit figured out (not likely I know), because right now we have an EV company that can't sell their bikes, and a bunch of EVs that have been sold to customers that technically can't be registered because their system doesn't know what to do with them.  For a state that claims to want EV adoption they don't do much to incentivize it beyond virtue signal with speeches and absurdly unrealistic adoption timelines.    

Have you tried the “home build” process where you go to CHP/DMV and say you want to title/register a bike that you built? 

Or…make it “street legal” (pretty easy/RMATVMC has a very affordable kit) and then they have to title it…? 

Mid-state, ME US
5/16/2024 9:15am Edited Date/Time 5/16/2024 11:27am
Hey now, don't call me a pessimist just because I don't agree with you  We are probably more alike than you realize, I like to do...

Hey now, don't call me a pessimist just because I don't agree with you Wink
We are probably more alike than you realize, I like to do things to a different tune too.  Heck, I am even a 50 year old that races 125s when I am in the 2-stroke mood.  And I will admit, I am not a fan of Stark because of their marketing strategies and assumptions they have made with unreal expectations which almost all responsibility falls on them.  I just think the "Mighty Blow" is in the works with the big 5 in this arena, and to your point, we will see where Stark lands when the big OEMs level-set the playing field.  It sure appears they (the OEMs) have Stark basically parked until they are ready, it will at least be fun to see how it all plays out.  The bigger question, which OEM will be the first to build a production bike to take on the challenge?  At the moment, I can't tell if it will be Honda or Yamaha, or watch Suzuki blindside everyone and be first to market (which would not surprise me considering the electrified direction the company is headed).  

Fun times, and I am glad at least at this point, the driver for building an electric bike is for something fun and different, and not some other BS government mandate or choice/freedom lost - we have had enough of that for a lifetime.

Yup, we are more alike than I realized. 

I very much agree with your post. What I'd add to it is that, to me, the biggest market opportunity in E-moto will more likely be the 85cc E-equivalent. My reasoning is thus: if you can build something just a bit more beefy and powerful than a Surron or a Talaria, a person could easily take the 3 acres they've got and build a fun, relatively safe, backyard track. Three acres is too small a piece of land to build a full-sized track for full-sized bikes, but it'll do just fine if you're building something for "play bikes" and "practice racers" of all ages and sizes.

You, your kids, their friends, and your buddies, could ride/race whenever the mood strikes, and do it without even having to change your clothes. Just grab a helmet and go ride. This is something I know a little bit about, because that's exactly what I'm building right now, and I am flat-out loving it. Ten times the fun at one-tenth the risk.

In my decidedly uninformed opinion, in the near future, Backyard-Moto-Master Carson Brown types could start springing up everywhere. I love that idea. It reminds me of my excellent childhood back a million years ago. 

I'm the last person who could be called an industry insider, I just sometimes perceive a business opportunity when one presents itself. If I were Stark, I would put everything I've got into building 85cc equivalent, and then market that bike as a world-unto-itself. I'd offer all kinds of tuning options, and offer a suspension that could be suited to a rider who weighs less than100 pounds to someone over 200. 


Corryton, TN US
5/16/2024 9:18am
"if the gates are even 1/4 full of Stark bikes at amateur races, it will no doubt be a sign" Not going to happen, the AMA...

"if the gates are even 1/4 full of Stark bikes at amateur races, it will no doubt be a sign"

Not going to happen, the AMA will not let them compete at amateur races.

LungButter wrote:
I don't have a way of know for sure but I think there is more Amateur racing going on that has absolutely nothing to do with...

I don't have a way of know for sure but I think there is more Amateur racing going on that has absolutely nothing to do with the AMA than tracks that are AMA sanctioned.

Starks have been racing all Spring at the 3 tracks closest to me.

Yeah, that was kind of my point, local amateur races - not regional qualifiers or amateur nationals - just your weekend warrior local races.  I guess as a vet racer, I am looking at this from the lens of vet open class, local amateur events where you are much more likely to run what you brung.

Toulouse FR
5/16/2024 11:58am
mattyhamz2 wrote:
Hey Josh, wanted to ask you because I know you'd be the one to know. How are things going for taking that off-road here in CA...

Hey Josh, wanted to ask you because I know you'd be the one to know. How are things going for taking that off-road here in CA? I know there were some issues with that "Honda" CRF-E2 not getting a sticker so it couldn't be taken anywhere other than private property. Any issues with your Stark or are the not requiring anything at all for it? 

JM485 wrote:
It's honestly a little bit of a crap-shoot, I've ridden mine in national forest land quite a bit and haven't had any issues, but I also...

It's honestly a little bit of a crap-shoot, I've ridden mine in national forest land quite a bit and haven't had any issues, but I also haven't run into any rangers either.  From what I can tell it's a little bit of a case by case basis because they know you can't get a registration sticker for them, so a lot are inclined to just look the other way and leave it be since it's electric, but I'm sure in other areas you could run into a Paul Blart with a stick up his ass that would give you a hard time.  It's really a mess and the state of CA needs to get their shit figured out (not likely I know), because right now we have an EV company that can't sell their bikes, and a bunch of EVs that have been sold to customers that technically can't be registered because their system doesn't know what to do with them.  For a state that claims to want EV adoption they don't do much to incentivize it beyond virtue signal with speeches and absurdly unrealistic adoption timelines.    

It would be interesting to see if the Varg sales (re)starting in California has changed anything regarding this registration issue?

Davis, CA US
5/16/2024 12:32pm
TeamGreen wrote:
Have you tried the “home build” process where you go to CHP/DMV and say you want to title/register a bike that you built?  Or…make it “street...

Have you tried the “home build” process where you go to CHP/DMV and say you want to title/register a bike that you built? 

Or…make it “street legal” (pretty easy/RMATVMC has a very affordable kit) and then they have to title it…? 

I have not, honestly it just hasn't been big enough of an issue for me that I've felt the need to go that route and spend all that time I don't have haha.  It's really an annoying set of circumstances though, CA should be rolling out the red carpet to Stark and any other ebike brand but instead they're making it an absolute pain in the ass in every way they can, which should tell you all you really need to know.

5/16/2024 12:51pm
Hey now, don't call me a pessimist just because I don't agree with you  We are probably more alike than you realize, I like to do...

Hey now, don't call me a pessimist just because I don't agree with you Wink
We are probably more alike than you realize, I like to do things to a different tune too.  Heck, I am even a 50 year old that races 125s when I am in the 2-stroke mood.  And I will admit, I am not a fan of Stark because of their marketing strategies and assumptions they have made with unreal expectations which almost all responsibility falls on them.  I just think the "Mighty Blow" is in the works with the big 5 in this arena, and to your point, we will see where Stark lands when the big OEMs level-set the playing field.  It sure appears they (the OEMs) have Stark basically parked until they are ready, it will at least be fun to see how it all plays out.  The bigger question, which OEM will be the first to build a production bike to take on the challenge?  At the moment, I can't tell if it will be Honda or Yamaha, or watch Suzuki blindside everyone and be first to market (which would not surprise me considering the electrified direction the company is headed).  

Fun times, and I am glad at least at this point, the driver for building an electric bike is for something fun and different, and not some other BS government mandate or choice/freedom lost - we have had enough of that for a lifetime.

Silas444 wrote:
Yup, we are more alike than I realized.  I very much agree with your post. What I'd add to it is that, to me, the biggest...

Yup, we are more alike than I realized. 

I very much agree with your post. What I'd add to it is that, to me, the biggest market opportunity in E-moto will more likely be the 85cc E-equivalent. My reasoning is thus: if you can build something just a bit more beefy and powerful than a Surron or a Talaria, a person could easily take the 3 acres they've got and build a fun, relatively safe, backyard track. Three acres is too small a piece of land to build a full-sized track for full-sized bikes, but it'll do just fine if you're building something for "play bikes" and "practice racers" of all ages and sizes.

You, your kids, their friends, and your buddies, could ride/race whenever the mood strikes, and do it without even having to change your clothes. Just grab a helmet and go ride. This is something I know a little bit about, because that's exactly what I'm building right now, and I am flat-out loving it. Ten times the fun at one-tenth the risk.

In my decidedly uninformed opinion, in the near future, Backyard-Moto-Master Carson Brown types could start springing up everywhere. I love that idea. It reminds me of my excellent childhood back a million years ago. 

I'm the last person who could be called an industry insider, I just sometimes perceive a business opportunity when one presents itself. If I were Stark, I would put everything I've got into building 85cc equivalent, and then market that bike as a world-unto-itself. I'd offer all kinds of tuning options, and offer a suspension that could be suited to a rider who weighs less than100 pounds to someone over 200. 


This type of back and forth is what I came to this place hoping to see. People going back and forth , being respectful and discussing their opposing views .   So much better than the meme wars that sometimes fill Varg threads. 


And really, I bet that 99% of everybody on this board has more in common with each other  and agree on a lot mor than they do not agree on. 


From the looks of the patents, Yamaha might just be working on a supermini sized electric. I was disappointed a little at first. But then thought about how it could be so much more than a super mini. I've had customers mistake supermini's for 125's before. And the CRF150R seems to be getting popular as a playbike. If Yamaha makes their electric supermini sized and offers a full sized wheel upgrade . It could be a step between a Surron and Varg. And like You were saying a great fun bike.  The flexibility electric can offer as far as chassis design and power output is what gets me hyped up about electric bikes in general. Stark or whoever makes them.  


York, SC US
5/16/2024 5:40pm
AMA rules are controlled by the AMA's OEM business members... Triump and Ducati, along with the other OEMs can stop Stark competing in AMA sanctioned events...

AMA rules are controlled by the AMA's OEM business members...

Triump and Ducati, along with the other OEMs can stop Stark competing in AMA sanctioned events, ensuring they have a market for their products.

Honda doesn't think EV's are dying



SlowOldGuy wrote:
As the person in charge of the amateur rulebook I can tell you this is not even close to being true.  The amateur rule changes are...

As the person in charge of the amateur rulebook I can tell you this is not even close to being true.  The amateur rule changes are proposed, debated, and passed by the AMA Commissions.  Non of the AMA commissions have any OEM representation and the OEM Business members have no voting or approval authority.  I have been a member of AMA motocross commission (formerly AMA congress) including many years as chairman, for over 20 years and a direct employee for 5 years.  I have never had an OEM Business member try to influence any of the rules.  In fact, other than the amateur race team managers it is extremely rare that I deal with any of the OEMs on any level.  The exception being when technical service bulletins are issued.  

Pro racing is its own entity, the comments above reflect only the Amateur rule making process.

Fog 25 wrote:
SlowOldGuy, are you the one that put out the supplement rules of no E Bikes? Started being a member of the AMA in 1969 as of...

SlowOldGuy, are you the one that put out the supplement rules of no E Bikes? Started being a member of the AMA in 1969 as of this year, they’ll never receive another dollar from me. 

Ahhhh if you have been an AMA member since 1969 you became I life member (25 years) in 1995 and have not had to pay a penny since then.

Shadow Glen (for those who remember), CA US
5/16/2024 5:57pm

Haven't opened one of these cluster fawks in quite a while.     Same old stream of bullshit. 

Clock is ticking.

Stark:  RIP by 2029.


Sidewinder 1
Bossier City, LA US
5/16/2024 10:18pm

What’s that battery cost to replace and how long does it last? I have a 2007 KTM 200xc in the garage has had three pistons in 17 years. As far as a used Stark, again see my opening question. Just like the used electric car market this is going to be a large issue to overcome. I was at Wray Ford Bossier City LA  today and the service manager told me no one will even look at a used EVs for fear of battery life. The one electric Mustang or what they are passing off as one now has been on their lot for 3 months.

5/16/2024 11:44pm Edited Date/Time 5/17/2024 5:30am
What’s that battery cost to replace and how long does it last? I have a 2007 KTM 200xc in the garage has had three pistons in...

What’s that battery cost to replace and how long does it last? I have a 2007 KTM 200xc in the garage has had three pistons in 17 years. As far as a used Stark, again see my opening question. Just like the used electric car market this is going to be a large issue to overcome. I was at Wray Ford Bossier City LA  today and the service manager told me no one will even look at a used EVs for fear of battery life. The one electric Mustang or what they are passing off as one now has been on their lot for 3 months.

Current price is...


If you ride it hard, it will be reduced to 80% of it's capacity (range) after 500 charge/recharge cycles...


If you don't ride it at constant full throttle it will lose less capacity (range) after 500 charge/recharge cycles.

It doesn't stop functioning after 500 cycles, but it does have less capacity (range).

If you've only put 3 pistons in your KTM 200xc, your are not riding your bike hard!

Toulouse FR
5/17/2024 12:51am
What’s that battery cost to replace and how long does it last? I have a 2007 KTM 200xc in the garage has had three pistons in...

What’s that battery cost to replace and how long does it last? I have a 2007 KTM 200xc in the garage has had three pistons in 17 years. As far as a used Stark, again see my opening question. Just like the used electric car market this is going to be a large issue to overcome. I was at Wray Ford Bossier City LA  today and the service manager told me no one will even look at a used EVs for fear of battery life. The one electric Mustang or what they are passing off as one now has been on their lot for 3 months.

Current price is... If you ride it hard, it will be reduced to 80% of it's capacity (range) after 500 charge/recharge cycles... If you don't ride...

Current price is...


If you ride it hard, it will be reduced to 80% of it's capacity (range) after 500 charge/recharge cycles...


If you don't ride it at constant full throttle it will lose less capacity (range) after 500 charge/recharge cycles.

It doesn't stop functioning after 500 cycles, but it does have less capacity (range).

If you've only put 3 pistons in your KTM 200xc, your are not riding your bike hard!

The battery is rated for 500 cycles which should translate to +300 h without losing significant range. Battery is $3000 and guaranteed for 2 years like the rest of the bike (motor included).

That would be $10 per hour "battery cost". See how that compares to your own "engine maintenance cost".

Or course proof will be in the pudding, we will get more real world data in a couple of years. AFAIK there were no significant issues with Alta battery life?

5/17/2024 2:19am Edited Date/Time 5/17/2024 2:21am
What’s that battery cost to replace and how long does it last? I have a 2007 KTM 200xc in the garage has had three pistons in...

What’s that battery cost to replace and how long does it last? I have a 2007 KTM 200xc in the garage has had three pistons in 17 years. As far as a used Stark, again see my opening question. Just like the used electric car market this is going to be a large issue to overcome. I was at Wray Ford Bossier City LA  today and the service manager told me no one will even look at a used EVs for fear of battery life. The one electric Mustang or what they are passing off as one now has been on their lot for 3 months.

Current price is... If you ride it hard, it will be reduced to 80% of it's capacity (range) after 500 charge/recharge cycles... If you don't ride...

Current price is...


If you ride it hard, it will be reduced to 80% of it's capacity (range) after 500 charge/recharge cycles...


If you don't ride it at constant full throttle it will lose less capacity (range) after 500 charge/recharge cycles.

It doesn't stop functioning after 500 cycles, but it does have less capacity (range).

If you've only put 3 pistons in your KTM 200xc, your are not riding your bike hard!

Beagle wrote:
The battery is rated for 500 cycles which should translate to +300 h without losing significant range. Battery is $3000 and guaranteed for 2 years like...

The battery is rated for 500 cycles which should translate to +300 h without losing significant range. Battery is $3000 and guaranteed for 2 years like the rest of the bike (motor included).

That would be $10 per hour "battery cost". See how that compares to your own "engine maintenance cost".

Or course proof will be in the pudding, we will get more real world data in a couple of years. AFAIK there were no significant issues with Alta battery life?

@Sidewinder 1 is getting his EV advice from a Ford dealer, his example is the Ford Mustang Mach-E which has an MSRP of $41,890-$65,390 depending on options, a Mustang Mach-E battery costs $35,329, which is 54% to 84% of the vehicle cost.

Tesla's model 3's MSRP is $38,990 - 50,990 depending on options, with a battery replacement cost of $16,000, which is 31% to 44% of the vehicle cost.

Clearly Ford dealers are not the place to go for advice on EVs, their battery replacement costs are outrageous!

The Stark Varg has an MSRP of $12,900, and a battery replacement cost 23% of the vehicle cost at $2,999, that looks like good value, and you can replace the battery pack in your own garage without specialty tools or knowledge.

@Sidewinder 1 is also riding a KTM 200XC and only replaced the piston 3 times in 17 years, which suggests he's not riding the bike hard, if he rides the Stark Varg in a similar fashion, 500 cycles is likely to translate to 500-1000 hours.

5/17/2024 4:09am
Current price is... If you ride it hard, it will be reduced to 80% of it's capacity (range) after 500 charge/recharge cycles... If you don't ride...

Current price is...


If you ride it hard, it will be reduced to 80% of it's capacity (range) after 500 charge/recharge cycles...


If you don't ride it at constant full throttle it will lose less capacity (range) after 500 charge/recharge cycles.

It doesn't stop functioning after 500 cycles, but it does have less capacity (range).

If you've only put 3 pistons in your KTM 200xc, your are not riding your bike hard!

That graph shows a ~20% capacity drop in 500 cycles,  not 80%.

That's at least 500 hours. Most gas bikes don't even reach those hours...

Toulouse FR
5/17/2024 4:43am

Most car manufacturers have battery warranties of 8 years or 100 000 miles/160 000 km (mandated by law in the US, UK...). This warranty also typically covers replacement if capacity drops under 70%.

Cars suck, let's talk about dirt bikes.

5/17/2024 5:30am
Current price is... If you ride it hard, it will be reduced to 80% of it's capacity (range) after 500 charge/recharge cycles... If you don't ride...

Current price is...


If you ride it hard, it will be reduced to 80% of it's capacity (range) after 500 charge/recharge cycles...


If you don't ride it at constant full throttle it will lose less capacity (range) after 500 charge/recharge cycles.

It doesn't stop functioning after 500 cycles, but it does have less capacity (range).

If you've only put 3 pistons in your KTM 200xc, your are not riding your bike hard!

ksithumper wrote:

That graph shows a ~20% capacity drop in 500 cycles,  not 80%.

That's at least 500 hours. Most gas bikes don't even reach those hours...

Thanks, fixed.

5/17/2024 5:31am
cappelmans wrote:

The truth 🫠😂 here we go people

Electric has it's place, some brands perform better than others, some people will accept it, some people will not.

5/17/2024 5:46am

Given the misinformation @Last2Stroke is posting over in the Tech Forum, about 2 strokes, I'm not putting much stock in his opinions on electric bikes.  LMAO



5/17/2024 8:27am
38special wrote:
Given the misinformation @Last2Stroke is posting over in the Tech Forum, about 2 strokes, I'm not putting much stock in his opinions on electric bikes. ...

Given the misinformation @Last2Stroke is posting over in the Tech Forum, about 2 strokes, I'm not putting much stock in his opinions on electric bikes.  LMAO



I would assume he just made a mistake and meant to say crank shaft. It’s not a far leap to make. 

5/17/2024 8:40am

Everybody makes mistakes, if there was a long history of mistakes and deleted posts, etc.  But one example is  not a reason to totally write off everything somebody has said. 

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