Must-Watch-Video: Josh Hill - Nosewheelie / Stoppie to Front Flip 6

If you've been following the Hill/Hodges war on social media...well, here's what it's about...

Vital MX: Well, here's three-quarters of the video anyways. If you've been on Instagram the past couple days you may have seen a war beginning between Axell Hodges and Josh Hill over a trick which Axell had preformed for X Games Real Moto Contest he's entered in this year. The contest requires the rider to submit a 90 second edit by May 31st for judges to watch and pick the winner. The winner and edits aren't revealed until August, so it's been under wraps. Well, Josh Hill on the other hand has decided to do it himself (long story on the background of who, what, when, where, and why there's drama associated to this) and tease the results of said there's now some issues between the two riders and their mutual sponsor brand Monster Energy. Josh himself has posted photos for teaser but Deegan's boy decided to post a short clip. Granted, Hill did land the trick at Deegan's facility and they're really good with we wouldn't consider this a leak...more of a way around showing what was done. 

But moving past the drama side of things, it's pretty nuts in the trick department. Click play to see for yourself.


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