With the 2022 MXGPs right around the corner, we've been seeing the official team photo shoots from the top outfits in Europe. This year, there has been a small but growing trend across the pond... energy drink sponsors are MIA on some of the factory efforts bucking long-standing relationships. Rockstar Energy and Husqvarna go together like mac and cheese, or at least they did. In the US we'll see Rockstar on the supercross/motocross team for now, but with Rockstar being owned by mega corp Pepsi Co., how long with they part of our sport?
Here we are looking at Jalek Swoll's Rockstar Energy Husqvarna FC 250 and the FC 250s of the Nestaan Husqvarna Factory Racing MX2 team. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page to vote for which bike you think looks the best.
No more drilling the holes yourself. Both teams have in-molded vents for the air box.
Well, the obvious difference there is the billet aluminum side ignition cover on the MX2 bikes. And the US team takes the casting mark off the shift pedal.
The US team has Galfer components while MX2 has Moto Master. Also, the US team has the wrench drive axel, such a cool part.
Slightly different triple clamps. The steering stem clamp is on opposite sides but other than that they are pretty close. Both are the latest 'split but not split' clamps that are not being 'faked' anymore. Jalek runs his mounts in a close position and the two tall guys on the MX2 team run the PT clamps farther forward.
Here you can see different link arms and link knuckles.
Obviously way more black on the Rockstar bike and way more navy on the MX2 machine. Also the MX2 FMF header is longer.
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