Pittsburgh, PA
Edited Date/Time
7/3/2015 8:07pm
Ran out of coolant at my last harescramble and blew out my head gasket. While I had the bike apart, I decided to change the piston. When I took the old piston out I noticed my crank bearings look pretty heated up. Is this okay?
you sure the gasket didnt cause the coolant to blow out?
if it got hot enuff to blow that gasket you are going to have other issues.
The Shop
This is one of those "while your in there" situations.
A complete Rod Kit from Hot Rods is around $150 and a Complete Bottom End rebuild kit is $550...that's a new crank and all the goods.
If it were mine? I'd send it to CrankWorks.
Also keep an eye out for oil filled smoke out of your crank breather tube. When they get that hot the cylinders can distort and pressurize the crank. On the Kx450' there is a 1" square on the cylinder wall that will concave and produce blow by.... not sure about Honda's though.
Paw Paw
That blue tint in the journal area is probably resulted from the factory process when they made the crank.
Could you hear a rod knock when the engine was running?
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