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Only $10 for all 2024 SX, MX, and SMX series (regularly $30).
The Shop
I was just a kid and he was who I wanted to be!
I heard the 84 500 dry barrels are junk though, anyone have any legit experience with the 82-84 Honda open bikes?
these frame conversions are getting more and more common, and with that raises the percentage of hack jobs.
There is a photo of am RMZ with an RM engine floating around FB right now. The engine clocking is so far off that the cylinder head is rocked all the way forward like a 125. It's almost like he wanted the pipe to clear the "Y" without having to raise it that much, so he just rocked the motor forward until it cleared. I'll see if I can find it. First glance, you immediately know something is.....off
Pit Row
But is it worth the trouble considering I could buy a 1990-2006 smoker for anything between 500$-2000$?
1989 YZ 125 restored by a good friend
more pics here: http://www.vitalmx.com/community/38special,20976/setup,35644?page=2
Damn, that is so cool. Nothing like a brand new bike. Clean, perfect edges, glistening plastic. It's a thing of beauty!
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