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Only $10 for all 2025 SX, MX, and SMX series.
We also do bmx training, haha.
The Shop
Me and my daughters, Jasmine 5, Anastasia 7, me 52.
I have a new grandson and we have plans. :-)
Bike riding in general and racing MX has been great for my family, we spent a lot of weekends and Sundays together. I hope to keep doing it for a long time, I am 53 and rediscovered trail riding recently as MX was beating me up too much. My 31 year old has been trail riding with me lately and the 34y/o and 8y/o are into MX, both took first in their classes at a local series this year. Never pushed them just emphasized the fun aspect and they both turned out to be fast respectable local experts and made their mom and I very proud.
I'm doing my part too! My 2 year old doesn't ride much yet but he knows what's going on! When it is not such a chore for him to twist the throttle I imagine we will ride a lot more!
Shes a bit older then some of the young uns in this thread, but here my 8 yo in her first ever race. Proud dad alert that day!!
Pit Row
there is a 6 year old in my neighborhood still pimping his pedal bike with training wheels so a motor/no training wheels with a 3 year old is gangster as fuck
He also began on a strider bike, then when he was almost 3 with the training wheels on the PW50.
He was able to learn to ride the PW50 without training wheels before he could ride his bicycle
19 October he turns 4 years so he is a little older as 3.5
The only thing I hear is Daddy i want to ride... haha. sounds familiar?
i like when i get sung to on the way home " my dad is the best dad............. he is awsome la la la...." lol
and now a baby girl ohhhh its gonna be on. i already have her strider bike ready she just turned one.
i know not all stick and ball parents are like that but most are.
i miss that place i would fill up the camel back with cool water look at my son and say you go where you want i will follow. we would be gone for hours. to many parents just let the little guys ride around the camp site. i did put a flag on his bike though so bigger bikes would be sure to see him on the down side of a jump.
Great thread, thanks.
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