Lock Haven, PA
Edited Date/Time
10/7/2014 8:21am
I was racing yesterday at Miles mountain mx, If any of you have been there you know the track is premiere and perfect in every aspect. For those of you who haven't it has a ton of elevation change and loamy topsoil about two feet deep the whole way around the track. So you may be asking what caused this pricey parts list... I was hitting this jump here...
Its about 30 feet up and about 85 feet out from the base of the take off I'm 4th tapped clearing it. In my final moto of the day I overshot it by a mile and (I'm assuming this is when I broke the chain adjuster bolt) three corners later I'm come to a halted stop also hearing a bazaar noise. I look down and find this mess as seen above. The case saver did its job though. Then on top of all of this the local track vendor sold me the wrong front sprocket as shown in the one picture thank you all I needed to vent.
i had a chain adjuster bolt break and the wheel shift on the face of a big jump. i landed face first, should have broke my neck. broke some bones in my face but it should have been the end of my life or at the very least my walking..
as shitty as your issues are, i would take damage to your bike over not knowing what day it is for a month.
ps... how in the HELL did you install that sprocket and not notice it was a totally different notch pattern? glad you're safe geeze could have been bad
The Shop
Time for all new chain and sprockets plus a chain slider.
Paw Paw
PB Blaster.
You're lucky you still have a right side engine case.
Pit Row
That sucks man. I had a chain snap on me and lock the rear wheel up in mid air once. I'm still not sure why I didn't royally eat shit that day. It's one of the many things that can happen no matter how in control of your bike you are.
If you keep a new chain on the sprockets last forever,the wear on that rear is from a chain worn and not matching the teeth .
A local racer was killed a few years ago when his front sprocket broke all the teeth off like that and the chain locked up the rear wheel on the biggest jump on the track.
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