San Antonio, TX
Edited Date/Time
10/27/2014 5:38pm
I have a Glock 32(compact) that I find myself rarely carrying due to it's size and difficulty to conceal, especially in the summer months. Because of this, I've been thinking about purchasing a 9mm sub-compact. There are so many choices. I really like the Khar PM9, M&P Shield and the Beretta Nano. I like the Kimber Solo too, but it sounds like it's a little finicky. Any of you guy's have experience with the pistols mentioned and or have any feedback?
Just realized you asked about "Sub" compacts. They also make an XD in a sub size, but I haven't shot one.
They are evidently a different design from the compact. The compact gets pretty small with the 8 rd. carry mag. but I see you have a compact already.
The XD sub may be something you like. You anywhere near DFW? I know a couple of ranges that have big selections of pistols you can try.
I'm loving mine. It is the full size one though. A little tricky to dis/reassemble, but not bad once you get a system down.
The Springfield has a shorter grip than their standard (as well as the barrel of course). It comes with 2 mags. a conceal mag, 8 rds., and an extended mag that makes the grip longer.
Pretty cool rig.
The Shop
I want something I can comfortably put in my front pocket, jacket pocket or in a IWB holster when wearing shorts and a t-shirt.
Here is a comparison pic off the net.
it's kinda like this one:
Pit Row
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