Edited Date/Time
1/4/2021 9:25am
Does anyone know of a K+L or similar crankshaft assembly jig for sale? Used, new, it doesn't matter. I am referring to the jig that assemble the crankshaft halves when replacing the connecting rod.
Very interested and looking to buy...sick of paying other people to do what I know how to do.
If any of you guys know of any and could leave me a contact # or email that would be great.
Very interested and looking to buy...sick of paying other people to do what I know how to do.
If any of you guys know of any and could leave me a contact # or email that would be great.
Heres a link to what im talking about:…
The Shop
or here... but they have bad reviews...…
I could do them without a jig but that is not the high quality way to rebuild a crankshaft, and is much more time consuming. This jig presses cranks together almost always need for truing most of the time.
Actually called K+L and they have started producing again since I last spoke with them. Thanks for the help though guys!
Granted this thread was early this year, but if your still able I am interested in purchasing a jig.
Please contact me.
New fixture we made for customers comes with 7 sets of bushings
For different size cranks.
Thanks man
Better Material were used plus comes with 7 sets of bushings so there $850.00 now. Iv done lots lots cranks
Never had one run out over .0015 if any one would want one please email me or call the shop
udated fixture same price
Your tool looks very well made, and you inspired me to make my own. I didn't exactly steal/copy your design, but along same lines, I'm using 4 guide bars instead of 3, and made mine a bit larger in overall dimensions. I have a question for you, just out of laziness I figured I'd ask you about which sizes for the inserts you chose to supply with your tool? I have quite a few cranks to measure, but I'm sure you chose your 7 sized for good reasons!
I understand if you don't want to share, but I'd be happy if you find it OK! I promise a pic or two of the finished product when its done.
Pit Row
thanks for compliment.
the crank fixture we sell are lot bigger then one we use when we rebuild cranks and we have done a lot of 450 cranks in the small one.
reason why we include the 7 sets of bushings its just conman size to fit different crank journals. because a lot of people cant make there own bushings we have so many one off bushings cuz we make them to fit the tightest on each crank 7 sets will get you quite a bit of cranks some might need sand .ID out to snug fit all depends the tighter the bushing is in the plates and on the crank the better the run out of the cranks will come out. we also will make any one off sets of bushings if they find one in the set that they think is to lose and once in a while it will happen
we are making a up dated fixture now ill post couple pics when done with brass bushing in top plate so it slides a lot better makes it more easy to use.
So the anwer, in other words, is to make a bunch of "blanks" with an excellently snug fit in the plates' precision machined center hole, and have the IDs machined as different crankshafts come my way..!
My crank assembly jig is now finished. First test will be an -02 RM250 shaft pressed in a week or two or whenever the rod kit may turn up here...
I stole the basic layout, but it's not a 100% rip-off, right?
how good dose it slid up and down ? the bushings a tight fit ? it looks really close to are fixture just with the 4th post never tryed it with 4 worked with 3 so we ran with it lol let me know how crank comes out
The upper part slides very easily and smoothly up and down, but it is really difficult to put it on the four guides if removed, because of the very tight fit. I'll be adding to my design a clamping feature to keep the upper plate i a locked "open" position to be able to load and unload the cranks witout having to hold it up. The thing is quite heavy, and could easily crush a hand if getting in between the plates...
I'm really excitet to see the results from this! Thanks for the inspiration, man!
Crank came out fine, and measured a runout between centres of 0.015mm, so a tiny adjustment by copper hammer is due to go under 0.01mm.
Overall I can conclude that my Chinese "20 tonne" (yeah, right!) shop press is a true piece of shit,, but the tool I made seems fine!
So far not one crank has come out better than .004", what a POS, I can eyeball a crank with a straigh edge at .004" so why would I need a $1k jig for that???
Should have bought one from KRG...
Trickiest partwas to precision bore the 4 holes for the posts and the center holes in one operation, since the holes were so deep, 70mm.
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