Rocklin, CA
Edited Date/Time
4/11/2018 12:24pm
Hey all.
First post here. Just got done doing a bottom end on my son's bike. The service manual says to use a timing light to set the ignition timing but this has proved difficult. It's been difficult because I can't get a freaking timing light that actually works. I finally bought a light that says it works with two strokes and has a tach but it doesn't fire the light.
Anyway, a dude I work with loaned me a dial indicator and said they time kart engines with the indicator. This sounds like a great method but my service manual doesn't make any mention of this technique so I don't know how to set the stator. Anyone have any insight?
By the way, the bike runs great and we've put several hours on it with the timing set to the default position.
First post here. Just got done doing a bottom end on my son's bike. The service manual says to use a timing light to set the ignition timing but this has proved difficult. It's been difficult because I can't get a freaking timing light that actually works. I finally bought a light that says it works with two strokes and has a tach but it doesn't fire the light.
Anyway, a dude I work with loaned me a dial indicator and said they time kart engines with the indicator. This sounds like a great method but my service manual doesn't make any mention of this technique so I don't know how to set the stator. Anyone have any insight?
By the way, the bike runs great and we've put several hours on it with the timing set to the default position.
Post some pics of the inside of your ignition side part- J
Anyway here's a photo with the piston at TDC as verified by a dial indicator. I'm thinking things are good to go since the single line on the flywheel lines up with the line on the stator. The book says to make sure the double line is lined up at 3000 rpm.
I tried to take the photo as square as possible. There's a lot of error if you look even at a slight angle.
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