Edited Date/Time
4/3/2020 9:57pm
Hey everyone I have a 2001 KX125 that seized up a couple years ago and has just been sitting since. I finally got around to pulling it apart and once got the top end off found the piston was broken, and the crank was still seized. Looking down Into the bottom end I could see chunks of metal that fell down and all sorts of gunk and grime. Also I noticed that there is a decent amount of rust on the crank. Since I don’t have a splitter and haven’t ever done any work on the bottom end before I decided to try to clean out all the metal chunks and shavings by flushing out the bottom end with gas and oil. Did that about 15 times and managed to get the crank turning over freely and smoothly.
So my first question is, do you guys think I’m good to get a new piston and go ahead and rebuild the top end? Or is it stupid to do that without actually splitting the case and making 100% sure there aren’t any metal chunks left over?
My second question is will the rust effect anything? Obviously replacing the crank would be ideal but I don’t want to sink a whole lot of time and money into such an old bike.
Thanks so much, I will try to get some better pictures tomorrow.
So my first question is, do you guys think I’m good to get a new piston and go ahead and rebuild the top end? Or is it stupid to do that without actually splitting the case and making 100% sure there aren’t any metal chunks left over?
My second question is will the rust effect anything? Obviously replacing the crank would be ideal but I don’t want to sink a whole lot of time and money into such an old bike.
Thanks so much, I will try to get some better pictures tomorrow.
The Shop
You also REALLY need to inspect that cylinder very closely or better yet have a local machine shop check it out and make sure there's no damage to it....
Rinse it out, throw a scuff and a piston at it, and see what happens. Low cranking pressure is one concern on a loose bore. Rust on the rod / main bearings usually leads to short life.
Edit: The stray metal / rinse deal is iffy, at best.
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