Mike Horban and Scott Kandel

Okay, let's clear up a little confusion. There was a thread in the Vital MX forums with some bad info regarding Mike Horban (left) that said he wasn't allowed to race his 2012 KX450, and instead, opted to race a two-stroke bike. According to Mike, "I had signed up for the national on my YZ250 cause it was the only bike I had. I ended up geting a 450 from Power Motorsports on Wed., and raced it at PIR on Thurs. I wasn't sure if I was able to change the bike from what I had signed up on, and also I had told some sponsors that I was goin' to race the 2-stroke an they were all excited, so I went for it and had a blast!" Some were blaming Kawasaki for not submitting the bike for homologation (per AMA rules), but they had covered all those bases in advance of the bike arriving here in the U.S.

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