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92 Answer gear being worn by 16 year old Anthony Gobert
The Shop
Man I wish I still had this gear...
Chicken oozed style...
The guys that were around 20-30 years ago will think the plain gear with patches is the greatest.
The people from the 90's will think the gear from that era is the greatest.
People new to the sport will think what's on the shelves now is the greatest wear ever made.
It's all about perception and your age. This thread will never produce a "best ever gear"
I just thought I would up a photo from the last ten years and change things up.
Pit Row
This gear was cool (as was nearly all JT gear from the 80's thru to the mid 90's). Here's Chicken in '93
EDIT. This isn't Chicken, it's Larry Ward. My bad. Chicken wore Extreme in 93.
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