Carson, CA
Edited Date/Time
9/3/2020 2:08pm
Well, my son managed to piss me off today. I told him, cut the lawn in the front and backyard while I’m at work and, I’ll swing by Cycle Gear after work and grab some coolant and a plug for your bike. He didn’t cut the front lawn. Seriously? So, I asked why he didn’t finish it. Ehh, I’ll get to it tomorrow but, will you cut my hair? Yep, no problem buddy.
Well, I cut his hair... kinda. I told him I’d finish it tomorrow. Fair is fair. Right?
Well, I cut his hair... kinda. I told him I’d finish it tomorrow. Fair is fair. Right?
The Shop
Few years back my eldest ( 19 next week ) didn’t do something I had asked him to do one morning I drive up to the high school and gave him some spare underpants in front of all his mates and said you forgot you spare pare you know you get anal leakage on hot days.... he learn quick not to piss dad off
Daughter to me "I did"
Me to daughter "No you didn't, there's stuff all over the floor, and stuffing it under the bed doesn't count, I'll be back in an hour and this room better be clean"
Her to me "OKAY !!" ....Followed by an incognito eye roll she thinks I didn't see
One hour later I open the door and she's sitting on the bed brushing her hair, the only thing that was different from before was the time on the clock. "I thought you were cleaning your room " ?
"I'm getting ready"
"What do you mean "getting ready" ?....
I had nothing....
Pit Row
Ya learn pert quick I tells ya.
Well, I figured I’d give this a bump.
My son is out of the house and, on his own now.
After years of him misplacing my tools, getting dirt in my grease, spilling coolant in the garage, I finally got him back.
He was so proud to show me his brand new Milwaukee socket sets he just bought for working on his car and, truck. He was in the middle of putting his tools away as it was getting dark.
I grabbed the 10mm socket out of each one of his two boxes and, hid them. I put them both in the back pocket of his driver seat.
Today, he called asking about the missing sockets. I just gave him the same response I always got for years. “I didn’t see them”.
Now, I just gotta brush my teeth and, spit tooth paste all over his bathroom mirror.
I didn’t want to start a new thread to tell this story. I just remembered I had posted about him here a few years ago. He still won’t ask for another haircut 😂
Keep your eyes on him for a while, otherwise he’s gonna fall for something like this that most of us have been tempted by…..!
Exactly 😂
Payback Sucka!!!
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