Coweta, OK
So we are having an issue with a 2020 Husky TC125 clutch after we installed a 150 kit. It was fine before but now anytime the bike is revved up to do a start it wants to crawl pretty bad. We have rebuilt the master cylinder, replaced the plates and replaced the slave. Basket is not notched at all either. Just searching for if anyone else has ran into this.
Very odd that a 150 kit would cause the clutch to start creeping.
Have you verified the plate count and made sure no extra thin end plates are sticking inside the hub or pressure plate? very common
Is the spring washer preload set correctly with the outer spring holder ring? It has 3 sets of 6 holes for the bolts, numbered 1-2-3. Each one is a different preload on the spring washer when tightened down. When set properly, the spring washer should be flat when all tightened down. Use a straight edge to check.
Yes all that is set correct and have confirmed all this. I thought it was weird too. They didn't make the 150 that year but when I expand out and look at other years where they had them both there is no change to anything in the clutch. It's like it just can't hold the extra HP.
When I bought my 2019 KTM 150, it came with some bad clutch discs, to be able to test it, I ended up adding an extra separator at the end, and it's still working today, it's been 30 hours...
Extra HP would cause slipping.. not creeping. Which is why this is weird.
The Shop
I almost feel like if the pushrod was just a smidge longer that would do it but who knows at this point. I'm so aggravated with this thing.
When you say replaced the slave cylinder, do you mean rebuilt it, or put a new one on all together? I had an issue with mine not fully disengaging before and it was because my slave cylinder needed a gasket rebuild kit. I used the one from all balls.
You also may have air in the line. Pull the cover off of the master cylinder, and pull the slave as well. Push the slave piston in and see if bubbles come out of the master cylinder. I've seen that as well.
For reference, my bike is a 2018 150 and has the older 5 spring clutch setup, but the clutch master/slave is the same.
Replaced it with a rekluse billet. No air in the line been down that road already.
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