Big Sand Whoops, MI
Edited Date/Time
4/20/2020 2:12am
So.... gonna start this now and show the progress of the project.
I received an all white Fly Formula today, and have decided to do a Von Dutch inspired paint job.
I have never painted a helmet, so this is new to me and a learning experience.
I started out by finding a helmet design, or part of it that I liked:
I wanted an eye on each jaw, with the wings sweeping back - so I pencil drew one side on the fresh lid.
Once I had this how I wanted it, I used tissue paper for wrapping presents (all I had) to trace the design I hand drew in the first side. I taped it on the other side, and used a sharpie to dot the outline. The sharpie bled through the tissue paper and allowed me to ‘connect the dots’ on the second side.
Pro tip: isopropyl alcohol will take off the sharpie dots and leave the pencil. Pam spray on a towel will take off the pencil.
Now I have 2 completed sides, and I wait on my pin-striping kit from amazon to arrive!
Stay tuned, I’ll update more photos as I go.
I received an all white Fly Formula today, and have decided to do a Von Dutch inspired paint job.
I have never painted a helmet, so this is new to me and a learning experience.
I started out by finding a helmet design, or part of it that I liked:
I wanted an eye on each jaw, with the wings sweeping back - so I pencil drew one side on the fresh lid.
Once I had this how I wanted it, I used tissue paper for wrapping presents (all I had) to trace the design I hand drew in the first side. I taped it on the other side, and used a sharpie to dot the outline. The sharpie bled through the tissue paper and allowed me to ‘connect the dots’ on the second side.
Pro tip: isopropyl alcohol will take off the sharpie dots and leave the pencil. Pam spray on a towel will take off the pencil.
Now I have 2 completed sides, and I wait on my pin-striping kit from amazon to arrive!
Stay tuned, I’ll update more photos as I go.
Especially for pin-stripping.
Should I hit it with something to rough it up?
You have the right ideas otherwise. Just sand it and start over. Lots of work and product would be wasted without sanding.
Keep us posted looks like a cool project. You can always fix any mistake. It’s a cool feeling once it’s done.
The Shop
Kinda reminds me of Mike Metzger’s helmet. Are you going for a matte look or shiny?
Very cool tho, my dad’s friend had a teenage son that raced karts when I was a kid. He was in their shop taping/spray painting a helmet one day and I thought that was the coolest thing lol
If you stripe with the traditional brushes, I would suggest practicing on a sheet of glass. Loading the brush and unloading before the stripe is extremely important.
It will be done with 1-Shot and Kafka brushes. I planned on doing an old helmet for practice before hitting the new one - but the glass is a great idea. I’ll swing by the hobby lobby and grab some plexiglass to practice on
I hit the areas of interest with a grey Scotch Brite to help the paint bond. Then I spent about 5 hours paining both sides as a first step. I’ll get more colors and layers on tomorrow and update as it comes along.
Here is a rendering I did to decide on color scheme. Still haven’t settled on the accent color outline
Those big areas with the airbrushing look good. The two other smaller areas may detract from the overall scheme.
My advice is if you cannot confidently do freehand symmetry try to avoid it in layouts.
Outside that I would use a stencil for those two.
But keep in mind all this coming from a guy who custom painted for years. It is absolutely an excellent effort for any person with limited experience in custom painting.
Pit Row
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