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The Shop
Track looks sweet btw! Where in VT? I went to school up there and raced a few times in Derby.
Brothers end of day whip session-
The last few weeks of "Stay at Home" have allowed me to work on our home track on the weekends when not isolated at work. More rain is inbound for the next four days so that should leave us with some nice wet dirt to continue shaping things up in the coming weekend.
Im buying a new one this week and going to tough it out and build the best track I can with it but I do have to use it for other purposes so I cant just get a bobcat/skidsteer.
Getting a JD 2025R or B2301
Also, those you are looking at are NOT stable on side slopes. They roll easy. Narrow track, high COG. Don't get hurt. They might be ok for basic dragging or tilling, but that's about it.
Pit Row
If i were to start over, id rent a dozer and decent size loader for a weekend. A decent operator can get A LOT done in a weekend with the right machinery. If u have a friend that knows how to run one, they would probably be happy to help.
If i added up the time i have into my track with my 2 tractors (small one is 30hp/2400lbs big one is 70hp/10,000lbs) and my skidsteer plus a friend in his for 2 days i have probably 3 solid combined weeks into building it last year and revamping it this year.
I absolutely would not try to build a track with a tractor that small solely from the standpoint that they are not built for that kind of work.... forget about all the time it would take.... you would put way too much work load on it and wear it out really fast. Having said that you could absolutely maintain it with a machine that small
Plus with the lock down in place you may have lots of time to kill and what better way to do it.
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