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Hope you “real men” still have drum brakes and air cooling, because you are sooo badass.
I look at shootouts on new bikes these days
Like a shoot out of High performance Cars .
Lets say you Take a
There is gonna be a winner and a loser
But does that mean any of them are bad ?
Or any that you wouldn't want?
You could say the same for Trucks to
Take a 2019 brand new
There will be a winner and a loser
But are any of the new 2019's still not awsome?
As to a car breaking down, you are correct it's rare. But if there was a cheap backup solution to get me home in case of a bad alternator or battery, I would surely have it installed. Nothing wrong with having a little insurance for when your equipment breaks down on you.
Everyone currently makes a better bike than Suzuki in my opinion. As someone that rides a 2 stroke, they have nothing that interests me anymore in that area either. I grew up with Suzuki, my family still loves them....I do not.
As far as being "mad" at Kawi or Honda because they don't have a 2stroke......that is just foolish. That has zero to do with this conversation. They could sell a 2stroke today and I still wouldn't buy it.
I am also very aware of what Yamaha/Henry did, as he is my childhood hero.......
All in all I am not saying Suzuki is junk, I am just saying there is nothing about them that makes me at least, pick them over any other bike. Every option out there is better.
Still want to argue about nonsense?
I also ride a twin shock, drum brake, air cooled dirtbike because if you don't you may as well be a fucking quad rider.
Pit Row
They are trying to do more diverse shootouts it seems
Especially Keefer adding bigger guys and c riders
And females etc.
Actually if you listen to one of the females in Keeferinctesting.com 250 shootout she really liked the Suzuki and the Kawasaki
That both didn't do great in most shootouts.
Because she felt in control of the power.
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