Edited Date/Time
11/28/2022 9:20am
Since the other one disappeared, I guess it's time to start a new one.
New stuff from Children of Bodom.
New stuff from Children of Bodom.
The Shop
I just read that the bassist, keyboardist, and the drummer for Children of Bodom are all leaving the band after close to 25 years. Their last show together with their current lineup is next month.
But to answer your question, I like different kinds of Metal. It just depends on the mood I'm in.
New album comes out February 7th, 2020.
O Canadaaaaa
If you ever need to show why bass is cool, this playthrough is great
Pit Row
Unearth played up here a little over 10 years ago, in a tiny little venue that held like 150 people max. Vinnie Paul filled in on the drums for them because their normal drummer couldn't make the trip up here. That was probably the most insane live concert I've ever been to and I won't ever forget it. I actually had to get out of the pit during Giles because it was too violent lol
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