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It's "Mind Bobbling", your like, "Whoa, man, I'm a bobblehead".
is this thread about electing a new speaker of the house?
I'm so lost... But I like what I see.
LOL didn't think so. I will have to look up "yeah" to see if its a federal crime.
The Shop
Oh youre stepping inside with the wrong one. I’m about to see red 😈
I'm with ya brother. No clue what's going on here.
Oh shit @lostboy819 you’re being called out dude!
Lost boy don’t want the smoke from Kevin or Greg
I only know of one person to ever go undefeated in their amateur racing career and that happens to be me. From 79-83 I never lost a race ever - never even scored a moto finish that wasn’t a 1. I won every single overall for every class I entered going 286-0. In 82’ some kid “beat me” in a second moto, my old man (rest his soul) was furious, but not with me. He went to the promoter and filed a protest. We paid to have the motorcycle tore down and, as I’m sure you guys guessed, the bike was illegal. I was awarded the moto win and overall keeping my streak alive. We were obviously relieved and couldn’t help but go into celebration mode. We would take the paper copies of each result sheet from my races at the end of each race day and on Monday mornings my old man would take them to the local bank and have them notarized. I had binder with the result sheet hole punched and would scan through them once in a blue moon. I put them in my old man’s casket just before he was buried. I stepped away at the end of 83’ due to being a late bloomer and kids in my age group being much taller than me. The 125’s were just too big. I laugh anytime I read about these “phenoms” everyone is supposed to be on the lookout for. How many phenoms besides maybe Alessi never scored a “2” in a single moto in their amateur career? I’ll take notice when I hear about one of these youngsters doing what I did.
Rocky Horror Picture Show on peyote?
Good Lord, it's hard to believe they walk among us... or at least under our bridges.
Undefeated on minis at chicken licks raceway. Only near miss was won by protest.
Pretty awesome, man.
Wait, there is a ClubMX jail? Is Phil the warden?!!
You’re really on fire with these today
Pit Row
Alph does a lot of things, fucking around is not one of them.
No clue what's going on, other than I'm in before page 5, bro's.
I’ll never understand why protest are viewed in such a negative light. If someone is breaking the rules and you’re willing to call them out and put your money where your mouth is, then why not do it? I was respected in my small town community. Once word of my streak picked up steam and my dad called the local paper and had them come out and do a story on me and my accomplishments; I can remember on multiple occasions where I attended Thursday night middle school basketball games at my school and literally receiving standing ovations from people in the crowd. One of my many first place plaques hung proudly near the entrance of the bank I mentioned prior. They were reluctant to accept it the first few times my dad offered but I don’t think they understood just how many trophies and plaques I had in the shed and in the living room. You choose to hate that and be sarcastic all you want, but just remember it matters still to this day to a bunch of people in my family. Very seldom do I mention it to locals still, but you can’t even imagine some of looks on their faces when I tell them about my youth days. Good day my friend.
One time I was going out for a moto, farted and shit my pants. Still means a lot to me and my family.
Shermdog, get on vital, we know you’re checking in.
I'll wait on Tyler's review of Kevin. I hurd he wuz the baddesst SUSUKI rider in Floriduh but might go to Cycul Ranch one day.
Yeah that’s a lie
Believe what you want. 286 straight moto wins is a lot I will admit but I stand to gain nothing for lying about that. Many years later when the movie Talladega Nights came out; the running joke for a long time was my buddy Mitchell calling me “Ricky Bobby” because all I did was win for that 4 year stretch. Heck man, even to this day I’ll swing by Mitchell’s work (former manager at Wendy’s but is now a cook at Chilis, given our older age he couldn’t handle the demands of a manager anymore) every once in a while and if it isn’t too busy he’ll make me items that aren’t necessarily on the menu because he plays into the whole “superstar” or “big time” joke just so he can mess with me about it.
We are being trolled by a relatively literate Pro125, I’m here for it.
Phil just lets him hold his pocket
Bro you're gonna have to be better than that
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