No Sugar Monster, are they drinking it?

Kingston, IL US
1/27/2025 2:51pm

First of all, no one “needs” sugar or refined carbohydrates to function. A British guy completed 5 marathons over a 5 day period during a 5 day fast without complications. Now he probably didn’t break his personal records, but it was proof the body has plenty of stores for athletic activity. The animal kingdom doesn’t seem to need chemically refined beet sugar (95% of “real sugar”) or starches to chase prey or escape predators. The entire idea of carbohydrates (other than natural ones found in fruits and veggies) is a relatively new concept in relation to human history and evolution.The FDA propaganda has really worked over the last 50 years or so. Carb-loading for your 15min practice session or pounding a gel pack for the church 5k is nonsense.

sebree, KY US
1/27/2025 3:02pm
dang472 wrote:
First of all, no one “needs” sugar or refined carbohydrates to function. A British guy completed 5 marathons over a 5 day period during a 5...

First of all, no one “needs” sugar or refined carbohydrates to function. A British guy completed 5 marathons over a 5 day period during a 5 day fast without complications. Now he probably didn’t break his personal records, but it was proof the body has plenty of stores for athletic activity. The animal kingdom doesn’t seem to need chemically refined beet sugar (95% of “real sugar”) or starches to chase prey or escape predators. The entire idea of carbohydrates (other than natural ones found in fruits and veggies) is a relatively new concept in relation to human history and evolution.The FDA propaganda has really worked over the last 50 years or so. Carb-loading for your 15min practice session or pounding a gel pack for the church 5k is nonsense.

I agree that the FDA is trash but implying bread is propaganda and countersignaling as if evolution and animal-inspired eating patterns is the the real hot take is just as absurd. I have tried fat adapted endurance training and personally found it miserable and inferior, but that's just me. 

Kingston, IL US
1/27/2025 3:13pm

I guess there’s several different angles to this topic. Does an elite athlete benefit from a RedBull or are they not really hurt by it because of the daily calories they’re burning? Does the 45yr old construction worker “need” a Monster on the drive to work because he had 8 beers before bed and 6 hours of sleep? For 99.8% of the population I’d say they’ve already consumed their made up daily allowance of sugars and starches prior to opening a can of Monster or Coke and none of this is needed for the limited physical activity that is performed.

Davis, CA US
1/27/2025 3:59pm
OwenJakes wrote:
Man made is a red herring. You’re literally just incorrect lol. Saying man made and signaling that anything besides a strawberry came from a toxic black...

Man made is a red herring. You’re literally just incorrect lol. Saying man made and signaling that anything besides a strawberry came from a toxic black sludge from a chemical plant is pretty goofy. 

What if my cyanocobalamin (scawy name😫) was synthesized from fruits? What if my amino acids are byproducts of the yogurt making process? 

this kind of health blanket statement stuff is the epitome of uninformed. Nobody is advocating that we chug flu shots. 

You're right, I'm sorry, the body definitely processes sugar from natural sources like fruits exactly like it processes high fructose corn syrup and other processed ingredients.  I'm sure none of the poor health outcomes we're experiencing in the western world have anything to do with the introduction of chemicals into our food and water, I mean it's all just the same as long as you can still bench press 200lb right?


The Shop

Philo Beddoe
Kennesaw, GA US
1/27/2025 4:12pm
OwenJakes wrote:
nearly the same in "sugar" content, although one is healthier, it is a similar blood sugar response.So when you say "why would anyone willingly do that"...

nearly the same in "sugar" content, although one is healthier, it is a similar blood sugar response.

So when you say "why would anyone willingly do that" - you tell us. Juice is not really a great option as far as macros go.

Thanks for admitting one is healthy.

Marketing is my guess. They’re horrible.

sebree, KY US
1/27/2025 4:15pm
OwenJakes wrote:
Man made is a red herring. You’re literally just incorrect lol. Saying man made and signaling that anything besides a strawberry came from a toxic black...

Man made is a red herring. You’re literally just incorrect lol. Saying man made and signaling that anything besides a strawberry came from a toxic black sludge from a chemical plant is pretty goofy. 

What if my cyanocobalamin (scawy name😫) was synthesized from fruits? What if my amino acids are byproducts of the yogurt making process? 

this kind of health blanket statement stuff is the epitome of uninformed. Nobody is advocating that we chug flu shots. 

JM485 wrote:
You're right, I'm sorry, the body definitely processes sugar from natural sources like fruits exactly like it processes high fructose corn syrup and other processed ingredients...

You're right, I'm sorry, the body definitely processes sugar from natural sources like fruits exactly like it processes high fructose corn syrup and other processed ingredients.  I'm sure none of the poor health outcomes we're experiencing in the western world have anything to do with the introduction of chemicals into our food and water, I mean it's all just the same as long as you can still bench press 200lb right?

The context of this discussion is individuals consuming limited amounts of carbohydrates from sugar in the proximity of intense exercise leading to glycogen depletion. I never said anything about HFCS particularly and don't think it's a good food. I never pontificated on western health trends either.

sebree, KY US
1/27/2025 4:18pm
OwenJakes wrote:
nearly the same in "sugar" content, although one is healthier, it is a similar blood sugar response.So when you say "why would anyone willingly do that"...

nearly the same in "sugar" content, although one is healthier, it is a similar blood sugar response.

So when you say "why would anyone willingly do that" - you tell us. Juice is not really a great option as far as macros go.

Thanks for admitting one is healthy.

Marketing is my guess. They’re horrible.

Are you a native english speaker? Your response missed my entire post.

Beverly Hills, CA US
1/27/2025 4:24pm
GrapeApe wrote:
There's always one . . .That's great you can stomach that concentration of sugar and caffeine while training or competing. As you start to learn a...

There's always one . . .

That's great you can stomach that concentration of sugar and caffeine while training or competing. As you start to learn a little more you may discover that while Red Bull is tolerable for you it isn't exactly optimal. Or not, whatever works for you.

150ripper wrote:
It supplies your body with sugar/carbs. You need those to perform. People try to overcomplicate it. I've never met any "health conscious" people who could out lift...

It supplies your body with sugar/carbs. You need those to perform. People try to overcomplicate it.


I've never met any "health conscious" people who could out lift me in the gym, run a faster mile, run 20+ miles in 2.5 hours more times than me in a week. For some reason they just aren't as fit as me despite not eating seed oils or refined sugars lmao. 

GrapeApe wrote:

You're responding to me but nothing you said applies to anything I said lol

You were responding to someone who said they drink them while mountain biking. I responded to you by saying that mountain biking requires energy which can be supplied by drinking a small amount of red bull lol. 

Beverly Hills, CA US
1/27/2025 4:27pm
TbonesPop wrote:
Sugar and sugar alcohols mainly.  Also, if an ingredient is difficult to pronounce, it's most likely not healthy.  Those drinks are loaded with chemicals.  Most of...

Sugar and sugar alcohols mainly.  Also, if an ingredient is difficult to pronounce, it's most likely not healthy.  Those drinks are loaded with chemicals.  Most of what I drink is just straight water and unsweetened iced tea.  I don't drink coffee.  Admittedly I will use some liquid IV on track days in the really hot AZ summer days.  Try finding anything like that without sugar or sugar alcohol is nearly impossible.  that's why I say "try" to avoid it.  Once in a while isn't the end of the world and I do like the taste of some as posted above.  On a daily basis, that can't be healthy.  Best source for satisfying the sweet tooth is fruit.

150ripper wrote:
"Also, if an ingredient is difficult to pronounce, it's most likely not healthy."  That is complete pseudoscience bullshit. Hell, half the people on this forum couldn't pronounce...

"Also, if an ingredient is difficult to pronounce, it's most likely not healthy."


That is complete pseudoscience bullshit. Hell, half the people on this forum couldn't pronounce DNA, ATP, or 5-HTP. 

JM485 wrote:
No, it isn't, putting man-made synthetic chemicals inside your body on a regular basis is not good for you, period. Just using fitness as a sole indicator...

No, it isn't, putting man-made synthetic chemicals inside your body on a regular basis is not good for you, period.


Just using fitness as a sole indicator of overall heath isn't realistic, there are plenty of other factors to consider.  Is your mind functioning optimally, are your moods relatively stable, are your organs doing their proper job or are they having to work harder than necessary due to toxins entering the body?  All factors to consider that are not going to be shown based on a max deadlift of mile run time.

Sorry I didn't mean for it to sound like I condone drinking energy drinks on a daily basis lol. Just once every week or two as a treat on a high output kind of day. I'm guessing anyone chugging those things daily has way bigger dietary issues that need to address lol. 

sebree, KY US
1 day ago
150ripper wrote:
"Also, if an ingredient is difficult to pronounce, it's most likely not healthy."  That is complete pseudoscience bullshit. Hell, half the people on this forum couldn't pronounce...

"Also, if an ingredient is difficult to pronounce, it's most likely not healthy."


That is complete pseudoscience bullshit. Hell, half the people on this forum couldn't pronounce DNA, ATP, or 5-HTP. 

JM485 wrote:
No, it isn't, putting man-made synthetic chemicals inside your body on a regular basis is not good for you, period. Just using fitness as a sole indicator...

No, it isn't, putting man-made synthetic chemicals inside your body on a regular basis is not good for you, period.


Just using fitness as a sole indicator of overall heath isn't realistic, there are plenty of other factors to consider.  Is your mind functioning optimally, are your moods relatively stable, are your organs doing their proper job or are they having to work harder than necessary due to toxins entering the body?  All factors to consider that are not going to be shown based on a max deadlift of mile run time.

150ripper wrote:
Sorry I didn't mean for it to sound like I condone drinking energy drinks on a daily basis lol. Just once every week or two as...

Sorry I didn't mean for it to sound like I condone drinking energy drinks on a daily basis lol. Just once every week or two as a treat on a high output kind of day. I'm guessing anyone chugging those things daily has way bigger dietary issues that need to address lol. 

I’m an alani per day kinda man. Ask me anything😂😂😂

Cardiff, CA US
1 day ago

Of course they are drinking podium cans (water) after a race everybody knows that. What about during the week? Lots of brands have no sugar no fat versions for healthy people! I especially like C4, that shit gets me twisted! just like a pre workout mix, heavy duty stuff. 

1 day ago
dang472 wrote:

This is one of the guys I listen to quite a bit.

JazzyJJ wrote:

Berg is pretty good, just don't listen to his workout advice 

Doctor?  Can anyone call themselves Doctor? He is NOT a Doctor, he has lots of good advice and is very knowledgeable. Why does he need to lie🤷‍♀️

Philo Beddoe
Kennesaw, GA US
1 day ago Edited Date/Time 1 day ago
OwenJakes wrote:

Are you a native english speaker? Your response missed my entire post.

Are you a native jackass? I don’t respect you enough to respond to your post. lol You’ve already proven you’re  biased and hopped up on Mountain Dew, Chip.

sebree, KY US
1 day ago
OwenJakes wrote:

Are you a native english speaker? Your response missed my entire post.

Are you a native jackass? I don’t respect you enough to respond to your post. lol You’ve already proven you’re  biased and hopped up on Mountain...

Are you a native jackass? I don’t respect you enough to respond to your post. lol You’ve already proven you’re  biased and hopped up on Mountain Dew, Chip.

You don’t talk to people like that in real life and I get a kick out of that. 

San Diego, CA US
1 day ago Edited Date/Time 1 day ago

I most likely take more and better vitamins than anyone in the sport, and have for 40 years.  Yes, 40.

I would bet money that drinking a half can of the white, no sugar Monster is FAR better for your body than 75 grams of caffeine from coffee or soda, certainly from colas.

I figured out that I have ADD at age 54.

Many caffeine sources cause me to bounce off the ceiling.  I simply can't concentrate.

I discovered the white, 10 calorie Monster about a year ago, and the combination works for me with no side effects.

I don't get jittery, my heart doesn't race, and as long as I don't go over about 8 oz during the day (75 grams of caffeine), I can concentrate very, very well.

There's 150 grams of caffeine per can from multiple sources.  1/4 - 1/2 can a day is just about right for me.

It surprised the heck out of me, but when I looked over the ingredients, it reads far better than soda, close to 100% healthy, and it's been easy on the stomach, unlike coffee, or colas.

FYI: I have no affiliation whatsoever with Monster.  Just stating my experience.

San Diego, CA US
1 day ago

Just to clear up a couple of things.

Mountain Dew has a reputation of having a zillion grams of caffeine and lots of sugar.

It has around the same amount of caffeine as other sodas.  I believe Diet Dr Pepper has more.  One of its ingredients is actually Orange Juice.  It's probably one of the healthier sodas that contain sugar.

As far as sugar substitutes go, I've read that Stevia is supposed to be the healthiest, yet it causes digestive issues for many, including myself.

Aspartame has lots of side effects, and really shouldn't even be on the market.  A lot of people get migraines from it, and it's been proven that in some people it can actually lower their IQ (while still in the body).  I definitely don't like the way it makes me feel.

I don't know if Sucralose is OK health wise, but I have zero side effects from it.  Zero.

Gilbert, AZ US
1 day ago
OwenJakes wrote:

Which chemical are you specifically avoiding?

TbonesPop wrote:
Sugar and sugar alcohols mainly.  Also, if an ingredient is difficult to pronounce, it's most likely not healthy.  Those drinks are loaded with chemicals.  Most of...

Sugar and sugar alcohols mainly.  Also, if an ingredient is difficult to pronounce, it's most likely not healthy.  Those drinks are loaded with chemicals.  Most of what I drink is just straight water and unsweetened iced tea.  I don't drink coffee.  Admittedly I will use some liquid IV on track days in the really hot AZ summer days.  Try finding anything like that without sugar or sugar alcohol is nearly impossible.  that's why I say "try" to avoid it.  Once in a while isn't the end of the world and I do like the taste of some as posted above.  On a daily basis, that can't be healthy.  Best source for satisfying the sweet tooth is fruit.

OwenJakes wrote:

So you’d want to avoid the Pyridoxine and the cyanocobalamin? Those are rough sounding. 

Ya, I don't know anything about those and feel like you are baiting.  FYI - I'm a chemical engineer with decades of experience in industrial chemicals and processes.  I have zero aptitude toward food ingredients outside of what I do for my customers.  When it comes to what I ingest, I'll stick with just natural God created stuff 99% of the time which has seemed to be fine.  

If you're feeling like writing a dissertation on the subject, then have at it.  I won't read it.  It might be valuable for some.  I'll stick with natural foods 99% and 1% splurge/live-a-little items.

1 day ago

Why anyone would willingly put that much sugar or a sugar substitute into their body is beyond me. Complete nuts.

OwenJakes wrote:

have you ever eaten a banana?

Yep, I eat 1 a day, great source of potassium and  magnesium. 

But if you’re comparing the sugar content of a Monster compared to a banana, one has 14 grams of natural sugars that your body can properly process and turns into energy, while the other has 26 grams of processed sugars that the body can’t fully process so it stores it in muscles or as fat in fat tissue. 

Philo Beddoe
Kennesaw, GA US
1 day ago
OwenJakes wrote:

You don’t talk to people like that in real life and I get a kick out of that. 

OJ, you refuse to listen to actual facts and knowledge and it’s embarrassing. Have another lump.

sebree, KY US
1 day ago
TbonesPop wrote:
Sugar and sugar alcohols mainly.  Also, if an ingredient is difficult to pronounce, it's most likely not healthy.  Those drinks are loaded with chemicals.  Most of...

Sugar and sugar alcohols mainly.  Also, if an ingredient is difficult to pronounce, it's most likely not healthy.  Those drinks are loaded with chemicals.  Most of what I drink is just straight water and unsweetened iced tea.  I don't drink coffee.  Admittedly I will use some liquid IV on track days in the really hot AZ summer days.  Try finding anything like that without sugar or sugar alcohol is nearly impossible.  that's why I say "try" to avoid it.  Once in a while isn't the end of the world and I do like the taste of some as posted above.  On a daily basis, that can't be healthy.  Best source for satisfying the sweet tooth is fruit.

OwenJakes wrote:

So you’d want to avoid the Pyridoxine and the cyanocobalamin? Those are rough sounding. 

TbonesPop wrote:
Ya, I don't know anything about those and feel like you are baiting.  FYI - I'm a chemical engineer with decades of experience in industrial chemicals...

Ya, I don't know anything about those and feel like you are baiting.  FYI - I'm a chemical engineer with decades of experience in industrial chemicals and processes.  I have zero aptitude toward food ingredients outside of what I do for my customers.  When it comes to what I ingest, I'll stick with just natural God created stuff 99% of the time which has seemed to be fine.  

If you're feeling like writing a dissertation on the subject, then have at it.  I won't read it.  It might be valuable for some.  I'll stick with natural foods 99% and 1% splurge/live-a-little items.

I was messing with you hehe they're just b vitamins. I do understand your aversion to non-natural foods though. Seeing the mfg plants and envisioning your food coming from a tank with a greasy chemineer on top is enough to give me the same emotions so I respect it.

1 day ago

I was going to ignore this one but I was filling up the van this morning and low and behold a fridge at the counter with no sugar monster reminding

Citric Acid- A preservative and disenfectant derived from mould

Sodium Citrate- A preservative that extends the shelf life, stops clumping and absorbs moisture

Erythritol- Artificial sweetener with side effects of bloating, gas and stomach pain. Links to increased blood clotting, risk of stroke or heart attack.

Sucraclose- Artificial sweetener that is unstable when heated. Suppresses immune system, increases cancer risk, erodes the gut lining and kills off probiotics. Studies also have it linked to alzheimers, seizures, dementia, cognitive problems and mood swings. (think splender)

Acesulphame Potassium- Linked to weight gain and is used to mask the bitter, chemical after taste of the first two artificial sweeteners.

Sorbic Acid- Can cause increased urination, dizziness, diarrhea, flushing and headaches

Benzoic Acid- Has its own Hazardous Substance Fact sheet, exposure can cause skin and throat irritation with respiratory stress. Used as an antifungal 

Synthetic caffeine- Can cause high blood pressure, anxiety and insomnia

B3 (Nicotinic Acid)- Created using coal tar, ammonia, acids, 3-cyanopyridine and formaldehyde(caused all the horrific birth defects)

B5 (Pantothenic Acid)- Iso butyraldehyde and formaldehyde combined to form a salt, side effects of irratibility, restlessness and disturbed sleep

B6 ( Pyridoxine Hydrochloride)- Made from petroleum ester, hydrochloric acid and formaldehyde can not be absorbed and has been shown to inhibit                                                      the action of natural B6 in the body

B12 (Cyanocobalamin)- Has been shown to impair kidney function

D-Glucuronolactone- Unfounded claims of reduced brain fog

Panax Ginseng- Unsafe for long term use with side effects of severe rashing, liver damage and severe allergic reactions

Guarana seed extract- Can cause heart palpitations, anxiety and insomnia

Inositol- Used to treat PCOS in women

Consuming one of these as a once off may not have much of a negative effect, but why would you want to? They're literally a chemical cocktail designed to give you a quick buzz then leave you needing more. This is coming from a former construction site slob who lived off coffee, red bulls and meat pies with chronic health problems and injuries to go along with it. Once you take responsibility for your own health and cut out all the additives, preservatives and chemicals you stabilize your eating habits, moods and energy levels to the point you dont need or want any of the crap anymore because they actually make you feel instantly worse. 

Sincerely The Organic "peddler"

Johnny Oz
1 day ago
28hall wrote:
I was going to ignore this one but I was filling up the van this morning and low and behold a fridge at the counter with...

I was going to ignore this one but I was filling up the van this morning and low and behold a fridge at the counter with no sugar monster reminding

Citric Acid- A preservative and disenfectant derived from mould

Sodium Citrate- A preservative that extends the shelf life, stops clumping and absorbs moisture

Erythritol- Artificial sweetener with side effects of bloating, gas and stomach pain. Links to increased blood clotting, risk of stroke or heart attack.

Sucraclose- Artificial sweetener that is unstable when heated. Suppresses immune system, increases cancer risk, erodes the gut lining and kills off probiotics. Studies also have it linked to alzheimers, seizures, dementia, cognitive problems and mood swings. (think splender)

Acesulphame Potassium- Linked to weight gain and is used to mask the bitter, chemical after taste of the first two artificial sweeteners.

Sorbic Acid- Can cause increased urination, dizziness, diarrhea, flushing and headaches

Benzoic Acid- Has its own Hazardous Substance Fact sheet, exposure can cause skin and throat irritation with respiratory stress. Used as an antifungal 

Synthetic caffeine- Can cause high blood pressure, anxiety and insomnia

B3 (Nicotinic Acid)- Created using coal tar, ammonia, acids, 3-cyanopyridine and formaldehyde(caused all the horrific birth defects)

B5 (Pantothenic Acid)- Iso butyraldehyde and formaldehyde combined to form a salt, side effects of irratibility, restlessness and disturbed sleep

B6 ( Pyridoxine Hydrochloride)- Made from petroleum ester, hydrochloric acid and formaldehyde can not be absorbed and has been shown to inhibit                                                      the action of natural B6 in the body

B12 (Cyanocobalamin)- Has been shown to impair kidney function

D-Glucuronolactone- Unfounded claims of reduced brain fog

Panax Ginseng- Unsafe for long term use with side effects of severe rashing, liver damage and severe allergic reactions

Guarana seed extract- Can cause heart palpitations, anxiety and insomnia

Inositol- Used to treat PCOS in women

Consuming one of these as a once off may not have much of a negative effect, but why would you want to? They're literally a chemical cocktail designed to give you a quick buzz then leave you needing more. This is coming from a former construction site slob who lived off coffee, red bulls and meat pies with chronic health problems and injuries to go along with it. Once you take responsibility for your own health and cut out all the additives, preservatives and chemicals you stabilize your eating habits, moods and energy levels to the point you dont need or want any of the crap anymore because they actually make you feel instantly worse. 

Sincerely The Organic "peddler"

And yet I have drunk it every day, I am 65, and not have experienced any of the issues listed?

1 day ago
dang472 wrote:
First of all, no one “needs” sugar or refined carbohydrates to function. A British guy completed 5 marathons over a 5 day period during a 5...

First of all, no one “needs” sugar or refined carbohydrates to function. A British guy completed 5 marathons over a 5 day period during a 5 day fast without complications. Now he probably didn’t break his personal records, but it was proof the body has plenty of stores for athletic activity. The animal kingdom doesn’t seem to need chemically refined beet sugar (95% of “real sugar”) or starches to chase prey or escape predators. The entire idea of carbohydrates (other than natural ones found in fruits and veggies) is a relatively new concept in relation to human history and evolution.The FDA propaganda has really worked over the last 50 years or so. Carb-loading for your 15min practice session or pounding a gel pack for the church 5k is nonsense.

You know what’s way less healthy than a red bull? Doing 5 consecutive marathons fasted.  For a bunch of folks giving out health advice, this is the worst input I’ve read in awhile.  Even if some dude did this, it’s not viable for 99.999999999% of the population.  

Drinking a Red Bull after riding your dirtbike for 22 minutes on the other hand is fine for 99% of people. 

Kingston, IL US
1 day ago
You know what’s way less healthy than a red bull? Doing 5 consecutive marathons fasted.  For a bunch of folks giving out health advice, this is...

You know what’s way less healthy than a red bull? Doing 5 consecutive marathons fasted.  For a bunch of folks giving out health advice, this is the worst input I’ve read in awhile.  Even if some dude did this, it’s not viable for 99.999999999% of the population.  

Drinking a Red Bull after riding your dirtbike for 22 minutes on the other hand is fine for 99% of people.,_even_in.6.aspx

Here is the guy and his findings if you’re genuinely interested. These types of experiments aren’t meant to establish a daily routine but to prove theories on keto, sugar, and carbs.


1 day ago

Wasn't there a top guy downing a Coca Cola before/after the race? Ferrandis maybe? I also remember someone eating candies for energy before gate drop.

Lincolnton, NC US
1 day ago
NVA57 wrote:

Wasn't there a top guy downing a Coca Cola before/after the race? Ferrandis maybe? I also remember someone eating candies for energy before gate drop.

Lots of guys in different sports drink a coke or something after or during big efforts, they have drank coke during the Tour De France before. Sometimes you just need simple sugars/carbs to replenish your energy.

Some guys in GNCC shake up a coke put it in a bottle and get handed one during the race, usually when your exerting yourself that hard you lose any appetite and your stomach feels off so sometimes its easier to down a coke then those gels or some kind of weird tasting "carb drink"

Ive also seen Jett drinking a coke in a post race with Steve or Vital a couple times.

sebree, KY US
1 day ago
28hall wrote:
I was going to ignore this one but I was filling up the van this morning and low and behold a fridge at the counter with...

I was going to ignore this one but I was filling up the van this morning and low and behold a fridge at the counter with no sugar monster reminding

Citric Acid- A preservative and disenfectant derived from mould

Sodium Citrate- A preservative that extends the shelf life, stops clumping and absorbs moisture

Erythritol- Artificial sweetener with side effects of bloating, gas and stomach pain. Links to increased blood clotting, risk of stroke or heart attack.

Sucraclose- Artificial sweetener that is unstable when heated. Suppresses immune system, increases cancer risk, erodes the gut lining and kills off probiotics. Studies also have it linked to alzheimers, seizures, dementia, cognitive problems and mood swings. (think splender)

Acesulphame Potassium- Linked to weight gain and is used to mask the bitter, chemical after taste of the first two artificial sweeteners.

Sorbic Acid- Can cause increased urination, dizziness, diarrhea, flushing and headaches

Benzoic Acid- Has its own Hazardous Substance Fact sheet, exposure can cause skin and throat irritation with respiratory stress. Used as an antifungal 

Synthetic caffeine- Can cause high blood pressure, anxiety and insomnia

B3 (Nicotinic Acid)- Created using coal tar, ammonia, acids, 3-cyanopyridine and formaldehyde(caused all the horrific birth defects)

B5 (Pantothenic Acid)- Iso butyraldehyde and formaldehyde combined to form a salt, side effects of irratibility, restlessness and disturbed sleep

B6 ( Pyridoxine Hydrochloride)- Made from petroleum ester, hydrochloric acid and formaldehyde can not be absorbed and has been shown to inhibit                                                      the action of natural B6 in the body

B12 (Cyanocobalamin)- Has been shown to impair kidney function

D-Glucuronolactone- Unfounded claims of reduced brain fog

Panax Ginseng- Unsafe for long term use with side effects of severe rashing, liver damage and severe allergic reactions

Guarana seed extract- Can cause heart palpitations, anxiety and insomnia

Inositol- Used to treat PCOS in women

Consuming one of these as a once off may not have much of a negative effect, but why would you want to? They're literally a chemical cocktail designed to give you a quick buzz then leave you needing more. This is coming from a former construction site slob who lived off coffee, red bulls and meat pies with chronic health problems and injuries to go along with it. Once you take responsibility for your own health and cut out all the additives, preservatives and chemicals you stabilize your eating habits, moods and energy levels to the point you dont need or want any of the crap anymore because they actually make you feel instantly worse. 

Sincerely The Organic "peddler"

Much of that is highly subjective but I remember what happened to you in the last thread when a doctor tried to tell you that some things may not be THAT bad. 
I’m glad you had a pseudo-religious experience with cleaning your health up but that doesn’t make you correct. 

1 day ago
28hall wrote:
I was going to ignore this one but I was filling up the van this morning and low and behold a fridge at the counter with...

I was going to ignore this one but I was filling up the van this morning and low and behold a fridge at the counter with no sugar monster reminding

Citric Acid- A preservative and disenfectant derived from mould

Sodium Citrate- A preservative that extends the shelf life, stops clumping and absorbs moisture

Erythritol- Artificial sweetener with side effects of bloating, gas and stomach pain. Links to increased blood clotting, risk of stroke or heart attack.

Sucraclose- Artificial sweetener that is unstable when heated. Suppresses immune system, increases cancer risk, erodes the gut lining and kills off probiotics. Studies also have it linked to alzheimers, seizures, dementia, cognitive problems and mood swings. (think splender)

Acesulphame Potassium- Linked to weight gain and is used to mask the bitter, chemical after taste of the first two artificial sweeteners.

Sorbic Acid- Can cause increased urination, dizziness, diarrhea, flushing and headaches

Benzoic Acid- Has its own Hazardous Substance Fact sheet, exposure can cause skin and throat irritation with respiratory stress. Used as an antifungal 

Synthetic caffeine- Can cause high blood pressure, anxiety and insomnia

B3 (Nicotinic Acid)- Created using coal tar, ammonia, acids, 3-cyanopyridine and formaldehyde(caused all the horrific birth defects)

B5 (Pantothenic Acid)- Iso butyraldehyde and formaldehyde combined to form a salt, side effects of irratibility, restlessness and disturbed sleep

B6 ( Pyridoxine Hydrochloride)- Made from petroleum ester, hydrochloric acid and formaldehyde can not be absorbed and has been shown to inhibit                                                      the action of natural B6 in the body

B12 (Cyanocobalamin)- Has been shown to impair kidney function

D-Glucuronolactone- Unfounded claims of reduced brain fog

Panax Ginseng- Unsafe for long term use with side effects of severe rashing, liver damage and severe allergic reactions

Guarana seed extract- Can cause heart palpitations, anxiety and insomnia

Inositol- Used to treat PCOS in women

Consuming one of these as a once off may not have much of a negative effect, but why would you want to? They're literally a chemical cocktail designed to give you a quick buzz then leave you needing more. This is coming from a former construction site slob who lived off coffee, red bulls and meat pies with chronic health problems and injuries to go along with it. Once you take responsibility for your own health and cut out all the additives, preservatives and chemicals you stabilize your eating habits, moods and energy levels to the point you dont need or want any of the crap anymore because they actually make you feel instantly worse. 

Sincerely The Organic "peddler"

I'll take two, thank you!

FFS, I have 1 a week, I like the zero Monsters, especially the Apple and Guava. It won't be what I die of. 


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