Edited Date/Time
1/27/2025 2:00am
Recently when I see Monster sponsored riders drinking Monster, it is the 'no sugar' version can with the green top, now I know they'd not be drinking the full sugar, but do you think (or know) they may be consuming the No Sugar?
I drink it most days (because I like the taste), the caffeine is no more than an espresso, and the other chemicals in it would be so minimal that it would be of no concern?
They aren’t drinking it
I admit, I like the taste of the white Monsters. Yet, I know that any of the chemicals they put in it are absolutely terrible for the body. I don't drink it for "energy". I just like a soda every now and then and I'm not going to drink a fully loaded up sugar version. I can't believe an elite level athlete would put that stuff in their body. So I'd be surprised if they drink it. Alcohol is poison too, though so who knows. and I like my fair share of beers.
Some may some may not. Sexton commented in one of his vlogs that he had become a red bull addict.
Id also rather have the sugar version in that instance anyways.
Which chemical are you specifically avoiding?
The Shop
Monster makes cans of water that the athletes use on the podium.
I’d guess 0% but I could be wrong. I know riders that will have a pop/soda for the sugar only. So I don’t think that anyone would do a non sugar version if they wanted any “benefits”. But what do I know.
Yeh at the outdoors last year, team members were pouring Redbull straight from the can, over the riders head & neck, straight after the race, that would be water.
^ this! I had a case of monster water about 12 years ago and the cans are identical to the high octane heart attack in a can
No athletes drink that toxic shit. It's always only water inside. 'M' did make water in a can, some time ago... now, they just dump the toxic liquid in the toilet, refill with water to give for the cameras.
Can you tell me what the toxic things in Monster or other energy drinks are? I'm not being sarcastic. I just see this all the time without specifics. What are the chemicals that would just destroy and athlete if they drank one. I'm genuinely curious
This is one of the guys I listen to quite a bit.
Berg is pretty good, just don't listen to his workout advice
Yep, for some reason he resonated with me when I was researching intermittent fasting and laid out the disasters of sugar and starches. He has a good video on the myth of “protein bars” as well.
When you are hammering out motos a few times a week you can get away with a monster or Red Bull or two lmao. You aren't going to fall over dead or cramp up during your next ride because you had an energy drink on the podium 2 days ago. Not saying they are drinking it on the podium, though.
Coka cola and others have their place as a source of quick digesting fuel during endurance events. Works for some, if it doesn't work for you than that is fine. There are ultra-endurance athletes drinking a couple ounces of coke while running 100 miles in one go. If they can have a little bit then I don't think a can every other week is going to kill me.
At a certain point when you are pushing your body to the max a couple of times a week you can get away with the occasional coke or glazed donut. Just ask Jett.
It has already been asked twice but I would like to know as well. What exactly is toxic about these? It's caffeine, Taurine, and sugar for the most part. Taurine is naturally produced in the body whether you drink this "poison" or not.
idk i think athletes do not need to increase their blood pressure on the podium.
Also there used to be note on the back of monster cans that its consumption is not suitable for athletic performances... Maybe it's still there.
people demonize red bull and monster too much, there is a time and a place for everything in moderation, especially a sugar free red bull. there is not much of a difference between those, and products marketed at pre-workout.
Energy drinks about killed my prostate (1 can a day on average). I had massive problems and pain.. Quitting energy drinks made the majority of the ugliness go away, but I will forever have an enlarged prostate from it all. True story, there is layers to why they are not good for you.
Pit Row
They still make water like this. Its all over in the pits.
Well, you could start with the sugar, a regular Monster has 27 grams of sugar, the daily allowance is 25 grams. Processed sugar in any amount is horribly toxic to your body.
Then there is the taurine, which theoretically isn’t bad for you, and when taken in moderation actually has benefits. But the. You process it and put it in a can, it causes digestive issues.
But the biggest problem I see in energy drinks is the trace metals and microplastics that aren’t digestable that get caught up in your intestinal tract slowly making it way into your bloodstream and eventually into your brain.
I theory, none of these are considered toxins until you research them. I think the vast majority of people would shit if they ever saw what they putting into our food. But that’s a whole different topic.
Is a zero sugar, 10 calorie white monster worse than a Coke (regular or diet)? I’ve always wondered that…
Sugar and sugar alcohols mainly. Also, if an ingredient is difficult to pronounce, it's most likely not healthy. Those drinks are loaded with chemicals. Most of what I drink is just straight water and unsweetened iced tea. I don't drink coffee. Admittedly I will use some liquid IV on track days in the really hot AZ summer days. Try finding anything like that without sugar or sugar alcohol is nearly impossible. that's why I say "try" to avoid it. Once in a while isn't the end of the world and I do like the taste of some as posted above. On a daily basis, that can't be healthy. Best source for satisfying the sweet tooth is fruit.
Of course they aren't drinking them on the podium. I don't think anyone is saying that. Just for the fact, they aren't refreshing drinks when you're dying thirsty after strenuous physical activity. But I could definitely see them just having one on a random day here and there.
The dose makes the poison
If you guys are after something a little better Bing Crisp energy drinks have way less shit in them, ill do those once in a blue moon but can only be bought at grocery stores. Hard to beat a double shot of espresso a splash of milk and a squeeze of honey though thats my morning go to.
I can't do overly sweet drinks during exercise, watermelon Superieur is my go to in the Texas heat. Sweetened by actual stevia leaf extract not the manufactured stevia stuff -
^This. You can look at each ingredient individually and sort of talk yourself into this isn't so bad, but mix dump truck loads of them together into a can and it becomes a problem.
I think lots of folks who aren’t super aware of their diet and don’t spend time in the gym would be surprised how far consistency and not perfection can go.
These guys are of course elite athletes and I don’t doubt that they are diligent, but you can have a very calculated diet and allow for a few hundred calories of “junk food” everyday. Especially at the rate that they’re expending energy in high cardio thresholds. Carbs through sugar and fats are essential and there aren’t exactly dirty and clean foods. There are just balanced or unbalanced diets.
All that said, they may choose not to drink it, but having an 8oz Red Bull isn’t going to effect their performance much if at all
Exactly right. I am laughing at the folks saying refined sugar is toxic. Clearly you've never worked out for longer than an hour. Or you are and are underfueled. If you follow any endurance athlete, they are slamming simple sugars and caffeine. Your body needs sugar/carbohydrates my friends.
There is a time and a place for most things. When people come out with blanket statements like "red bull is toxic", that should raise red flags. The difference between a red bull and something like hydration with caffeine from Skratch labs, which is great, is not that large.
I am so sick of people demonizing foods with blanket statements.
So you’d want to avoid the Pyridoxine and the cyanocobalamin? Those are rough sounding.
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