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If you're a kid, teen, or young adult, you know all about Volcom. The pits and tracks are filled with boardsport brands and Volcom leaving now justifies another reason why outside sponsors shouldn't get involved in MX, especially because in the boardsport world, they were a standard setter and they tried to help change MX for the better.
It really is a shame that Volcom is leaving. Hopefully Vans, Etnies, DVS, Traxxas, Toyota, Specialized, GIant, etc, etc don't decide to leave as well.
Our sport needs non-moto brands and if you don't know why, you just don't get it.
The Shop
But, they do receive bonuses for mentioning a sponsor on the podium,
We know the sport needs outside money and welcome it. It's not the consumers fault when a sponsor fails to market themselves properly.
I read motozines and surf many motorcycle related message boards. I have yet to see any of their products marketed. The Thor gear doesn't count, as Monster, Rockstar, etc have gear too. It tells us nothing about "their" product. What do you make? What do you sell? What's your deal? Who knows! All we know is that they pay RV to thank them on the podium. That does not motivate me to "research" what Volcom is allabout.
Oh, and their logo looked like the "art" an illiterate kid scrawls on his notebook during Civics class.
Poor marketing.
Also their logo works very well with the brand, but of course you wouldn't know that because you don't know anything about them...
My 17yo son has been getting lots of free stuff from them for several years now from the local snow sport reps. He's not a great rider or anything, but he's really respectful and thankful for what they have given him so every camp or competition he runs ino them at, he seems to get loaded up with lots of goodies. One spring camp he came home with a bunch of the "prototype" stuff where they were testing different colors and such. All the coats, pants, and gloves had the tags sewn in with "not for sale" on them. He'll probably keep that stuff forever, they made him feel almost like a sponsored athlete.
I assumed they might be a "communications" company: a hip sounding cellular company like "Boost-Mobile"? Many of the smaller ones are regional, and they're not in my region? Sounds plausible, but I didn't really know, and it sounds like a lot of other guys, (who might follow the sport as closely as I do), didn't know either.
That is a poorly marketed product.
Again, I have no idea how I have ended up in the position of somehow defending Volcom. I'm just shocked that anyone that actually follows motocross hasn't noticed their branding/marketing.
Pit Row
I think all of you who said you've never noticed their marketing are just jaded to advertising. I've seen Volcom videos (both full length vids of RV testing SX and short intro pre-roll ads), site takeovers, banner ads, etc. all over MX sites. I could see why pulling out of MX advertising could be beneficial though. Almost every single brand involved in MX has a casual line and the entire market size just doesn't justify the cost when you compare it to board sports who each have a HUGE following world wide.
I agree with Woody too.
You don't' know who they are because you don't pay attention to what they want you to pay attention to.
So, they marketed quite well it seems. They wouldn't want someone like you wearing their product. If you did, it wouldn't be cool any longer!
For me, there's certainly the business side 1st.
It has to make sense and has to work.
You always welcome new blood so to speak, as they usually may lead to others and so on.
For me regardless of what it may be, Sponsors do come and go for various reasons.
Some return, some never do!
However, to bash is what it is I'm afraid.
Sponsors do make many sports fly and grow.
We need them.
Think before you bash is all I'm saying.
Who knows, for as soon as 1 leaves they might return or the tide may bring in another.
I can tell you the Volcom guys are good people who invested in our sport. I do business w them so I know.
I also grew up around the corner from the HB Volcom house when they were only known locally. They would let us lil punks cruise there parties every time and were cool as could be. Live bands playing in the middle of a skate ramp in a garage all the time 20 years ago.
Anyone who has anything bad to say about that company dosnt know them.
Thanks Volcom and Troy Powell for your effort in moto...most of us appriciate it and it didn't go unnoticed
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