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Only $10 for all 2025 SX, MX, and SMX series.
Luckily there are a lot of people who wear that type of clothes everyday. Which is great, because we wouldn't have companys like Volcom around to support the whole moto scene if there wasn't.
Bottom line is:
No fucks given in the clothes department, but I'm sad to see another company leave the moto scene.
Guess I better search for more "core" shirts to wear for this weekends Budds Creek race.
The Shop
Hope to see you back some day.
never knew Vital was so full of fucking hipsters.
"i won't wear it because i don't consider it "core" enough for my tastes"
This may be worn only on Fridays........
Toni Alessi on the left
Pit Row
Instead of bitching they should be thanking Volcom for trying to help out.
The V always gets me.....
See what I did there?
Here's the deal: I know some of you & I think you ought'a come outta the closet about all the silly stickers on your truck or your bike* or your wife's mini-van; 'cause, I'm going to "go public" on some of you "Core" putzs!
Another thing: if someone wants to give me grief about the wrap on the Raptor? Or some of/one of the Sprinters or vans you might see me runnin' in? That's different. There's $ involved.
*About your bike: if you've got stickers, a graphics package or "branding" on your bike that you aren't getting $ or "product" from? Well, then you should just STFU.
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